So My Heater Overheated...


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2010
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I lost 2 panda cories and several harlequins overnight :(... Quite depressing.
Thinking of adding ~15 kuhli loaches as replacement. Thoughts?

PS. Replacing that darn heater tonight :grr:
Current stocking:

2x angelfish
11x harlequins
6x panda cories
6x octocinculus
Tank size?

I'd replace the corys first.
33 usg or 125 litres.
I thought 6 cories were the minimum for a shoal? I know the more the better, but I saw the kuhli loaches at my LFS and i think i fell in love :wub:
I don't think your tank is big enough for angels.

And 6 is the minimum for corys but more is always preferable, they do love to be in big groups.

15 kuhli loaches sounds an awful lot to me, but it's your tank! :)
It was a manual adjusting heater. It overheated so bad it melted my sand and burnt it! There is now a black blob stuck onto it. Ahh well, into the trash it goes...

Got a new heater today. Hopefully this one will work out better.

I have heard many debates as to the requirements for a tank for a pair of angels. I got lucky and bought 2 that paired up. The tank has 18" of swimming space up and hopefully it won't be too much of a problem. If not i will re-home them. I work at my LFS and I know many people that would love an angel that is the size of mine with bigger tanks as well.

Now about them kuhli loaches.... :unsure:
Khuli Loaches are adorable (my mother who has a phobia of snakes does not agree)! :nod: Mine are actually pretty active. I would imagine 15 to be a lot though?
Would 10 be a more appropriate number? I have heard from many sources that they will burrow and you will never see them again if kept in a tank with less than 10-12 specimens. Is this true?

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