Search results

  1. fishfinderdave

    Name These Fish..

    the second fish looks like a milawi cichlid. and too me the first looks like a keyhole cichlid. by the way those firemouths are bloody awsome fish! :D
  2. fishfinderdave


    not 100% possitive on an identificatin but to me thats deffo a type of tetra. my guess aswell is a rosy tetra.
  3. fishfinderdave

    Diy Co2

    Ok so a while ago, i started using DIY C02. i have a 2ft tropical tank, with just 1 fish in ther atm. my water stats are as follows: nitrates 10, nitrits 0.0, ammonia 0.0 this is my proplem, i wanted a planted tank...nothing too complicated just something simple, nice and easy. so easy plants...
  4. fishfinderdave

    got myself some new plants :D

    got myself some new plants :D
  5. fishfinderdave


    to Daniel Ryan. im guessing you may have been busy or just forgotton, but ive paid the requested amount into your paypal, and was just wondering about the delivery of the snails...??? check your inbox as you have an e-mail from me :) thnks :D dave.
  6. fishfinderdave

    [Wanted] Blue/grey Apple Snails

    how much for some apple snails? very interested mate :D
  7. fishfinderdave


    Snails are what im after. not fussed what kinds of snails...been looking for a few kinds in particular though. APPLE SNAILS ASSASIN SNAILS MILASIAN TRUMPET SNAILS RAMSHORN SNAILS if you have any of these snails you would be willing to sell for a GOOD price or if your wanting to get rid...
  8. fishfinderdave

    Pictus Catfish

    hi. i have plenty of experiance in keeping these catfish. I had 3 of them. first things first. they are certainly not fussy eaters...because like most catfish they will eat anything. they are very sociable fish so are kept best in a pair or more. if kept alone they will hide away and sometimes...
  9. fishfinderdave

    55 Gallon Stocking Pics

    lol, are they drinking glasses youve put in your tank ther?
  10. fishfinderdave

    Food 4 My Gold Nugget

    no problem first of all what fish do you keep with your plec? all pleco's will eat algea wafers, live foods, frozen foods, and a mix of vegatable matter. no matter what plec u may have. golden nugget plec's need a peice of bogwood to live of as part of their diet aswell, so bare this in mind...
  11. fishfinderdave

    Vegetables For Common Plecs

    when i say correctly, i mean you gotta place them in a small pan of boiling water for a few seconds just to soften them up a little and then place the foods in the freezer to harder again for just another few seconds. this way the food sinks when placed in your fish tank. its all done the same...
  12. fishfinderdave

    L333 Plecs

    If i was you i would mayb start thinking about introducing them at the size of say... 4 inches. they'll then be able to defend ther ground and ther food against most fish by then. and being a pair, makes it easier for them to defend their ground and thier food against your discus. but try...
  13. fishfinderdave

    Thinking Of Getting A Pleco. Which One?

    go for the BN. there great pleco's to start with in any aquarium set-up. tho i started with a common pleco... and just up-graded as he could always try that if it works better for you. most pleco's grow slowly what ever pleco it is. THE CHOICE IS YOURS :D
  14. fishfinderdave

    Can Bristslenose Plecos Be Adjusted To Cold Water?

    i would'nt worry to much about bringing his water climate down to the goldfish's level's. all goldfish will survive for ages in warm water. i kept 2 goldfish when i first got my 2 pleco's and they were fine. when they reached a certain size they went into a pond..and are both big goldfish now...
  15. fishfinderdave

    Is This A Common Pleco ?

    and yes i would say that is a common pleco :D but only a little baby. feed it up on veg and sea food and that'll be a nice size within a few months :)
  16. fishfinderdave

    Is This A Common Pleco ?

    i have 2 pleco's; x1 royal pleco and x1 common pleco they do crap alot but that depends really on what you feed your plec's and how often there fed. i feed mine on a mixed diet of vegetables, pellets, algea and live foods. and neither of mine crap an over amount... my common pleco is about 7...
  17. fishfinderdave

    Vegetables For Common Plecs

    most human foods if prepared correctly will sink. and most fish will easily consume them as they would normal fish flakes or whatever. all sea foods will sink, and catfish, pleco's and other larger fish love sea food.
  18. fishfinderdave

    Vegetables For Common Plecs

    i myself keep pleco's, i have 2 x1 royal pleco x1 common pleco they love their lettuce and they also like sweet potatoe. (blanched of course) also ive tried carrots...which takes them a while but they like it. pleco's will eat any kind of veg, its just a case of experimenting and finding what...
  19. fishfinderdave

    Feeding Advice Wanted

    hi i have a small cuckoo catfish in my tank, its a large tank 180 gallon bow front. it shares its tank with the following: x1 common pleco (6 inches) x1 royal pleco (3 inches) x1 kissing gourami (4 inches) x1 golden gourami (4 inches) x1 aqautic frog x1 small angel fish x1 rainbow shark x3...
  20. fishfinderdave

    Red Finned Shark Needs A New Home

    sorry guys, had no replies so im taking it off now and the fish has been given away anyway.
  21. fishfinderdave

    Clown Loach

    im based in kent and wantin another clown loach for the one i already have. how much are u wanting? cud u deliver to kent?
  22. fishfinderdave

    Am I Overstocked?

    all depends on your filter size really and how often u do water changes? but like the other guy said....using the inch per gallon guide then indeed u are over stocked but not by that much.
  23. fishfinderdave

    Red Finned Shark Needs A New Home

    c'mon guys this fish is a great looking fish, and best of all its FREE! let me kno if u want it? thnx
  24. fishfinderdave

    L191 Royal Panaque Plec

    i have a royal panquet pleco already and i paid £38.00 for mine...that guy who offered £2.50 is having a laugh!
  25. fishfinderdave

    Bristlenose Babies

    i would love a bn from you, im based in snodland myself :D which sex are they? what are they feeding on? how much? can they be dropped off, as cant collect but still very close.
  26. fishfinderdave

    Free Firemouth Free To Good Home Free

    hiya mate, despite being in exeter which is a long-ish way from based in kent. but i wud love to have your firemouth as i have fish (gourami's, cichlids & pictus) of about the same size and a royal plec like yours :D upto you but i could give it a good home.
  27. fishfinderdave

    Red Finned Shark Needs A New Home

    hi guys and girls. ok here's the deal, i have 1 red FINNED shark which needs rehoming due to being aggressive to my other fish. im not sure if its a male or a female. im guessing its a male. its fin perfect very lively and free of any illness/disease. ideally needs to be homes with slightly...
  28. fishfinderdave

    Emergency! Fish Needs Re-Homing

    hi guys and girls. you could be in for a real treat, if you live in the united kingdom. and live near to kent you could be the proud new owner of a 4-5 inch red finned shark not sure if its a male or a female... would guess its a male. he is fin perfect and is full of energy and is...
  29. fishfinderdave

    Fish Needs Re-Homing

    hi guys and girls. you could be in for a real treat, if you live in the united kingdom. and live near to kent you could be the proud new owner of a 4-5 inch red finned shark not sure if its a male or a female... would guess its a male. he is fin perfect and is full of energy and is...
  30. fishfinderdave

    Am I The Only One Who Finds Fishkeeping Exciting?

    lol, isnt it always good tho to breed pleco's easy or not..still an acheivment ay so why not blab on about your fish all day long lol i would.
  31. fishfinderdave

    Anyone Had These Before ?

    they look like cichlids.....i think never kept them myself...sorry
  32. fishfinderdave

    Why Do You Keep Fish?

    i keep fish coz its enjoying to watch them going about their buissiness. and i too would happily replace my tv with a sofa infront of my tank. ive sat and watched my fish tank for hours on end before. and i never get bored....there's always things that can be done to change it. its an...
  33. fishfinderdave

    Im Planning To Get A Black Ghost Knifefish

    id reccomend firemouth cichlids....they have a great character to them, and their brightly coloured. plus peacefull the black ghost knife fish will eat almost everything in your tank lol and it will get far too large for your tank. sorry, i wouldnt reccomend this fish.
  34. fishfinderdave

    Need A Nice Large Fish

    with these fish i can only think of 4 fish which always make a great centre peice in any community tank set-up. 1.) KISSING GOURAMI 2.) BLACK KNIFE FISH 3.) FIRE EEL 4.) MOONLIGHT GOURAMI
  35. fishfinderdave

    Stocking For A Tall Hexagonal Tank?

    6 swordtails (males and females) 1 bosami rainbow 10 harlequin's 3 black skirt tetra's
  36. fishfinderdave

    Finally Got My Dwarf Puffers!

    try wearing gloves or something then. they will not even attempt to eat anything other than bloodworm. ive kept 4 dwarf pygmy puffers and they wer the same. would only eat bloodworm and nothing else. but just try wearing gloves when u feed them the bloodworm so it dont spur on your allergy.
  37. fishfinderdave

    Why Can't We Be Friends.

    if they fight anymore then seperate her from your male, coz if he's hurting her as bad as what you say then he could kill her. be for the best.
  38. fishfinderdave

    Betta Female Question?

    male betta's i think mature at an older age than the females. when you say your male flare's up at the do you you mean as in aggresion or what? try leaving them together for a few days to give them chance to settle in together...if they still show no interest after that...
  39. fishfinderdave

    Blue Face Angel With Worm On His Side

    i dont know much on marine illness i kno a small amount but not on this. sorry nice fish though.
  40. fishfinderdave

    Nominate Him:)

    nice dog you have there matey :D