Why Can't We Be Friends.


Fish Aficionado
Jan 13, 2010
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Grrr my guppies are at it again! As you probably heard i had to isolate 1 of my female guppies because it looked like she had been fighting. Well my male was chasing her again today wanting what every male guppy wants and she turned on him again and they started nipping at each other! Lukily this time no-one got hurt but if i have to seperate her again it's going to get to be a pain.

I had to seperate her last time because they must have started while i was asleep because i awoke to her missing half her mouth the next morning!

if they fight anymore then seperate her from your male, coz if he's hurting her as bad as what you say then he could kill her.

be for the best.
I was thinking of taking her back and getting her replaced because it's not him who starts something really he does what he does to my others aka chases them to mate. The others just run away then he leaves them but she starts something she turns round and nips him so he just nips her back. I had to seperate her because the last little squabble must have got abit carried away. Shes the aggresive one really because she doesn't leave the others alone either.

Well they have calmed down now. She has figured she will never be able to stop him when he wants something. He has figured he will only get nipped and not what he wants so he has stopped chasing her as much meaning he still chases her but not as much.
My fish love fish food and i love my fish. It's a remixed version of the wiskers for cats advert though it's not very good.


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