Betta Female Question?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2010
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i have put a male and female betta together after conditioning them. dont tell me off i know what i am doing i just want to ask a quick question that i would like answered. i put her in his tank and he flared at her for a bit and she showed no interest just swam away. the tank is at the right temp and all that but they dont show any interest in each other. should i remove the female and try another or leave them to see if they like each other or not. oh yeah what is the minimum age to breed bettas??? please could you answer these questions and nothing else!!
thank englishbetas
i have put a male and female betta together after conditioning them. dont tell me off i know what i am doing i just want to ask a quick question that i would like answered. i put her in his tank and he flared at her for a bit and she showed no interest just swam away. the tank is at the right temp and all that but they dont show any interest in each other. should i remove the female and try another or leave them to see if they like each other or not. oh yeah what is the minimum age to breed bettas??? please could you answer these questions and nothing else!!
thank englishbetas

Dunno, thought you'd done loads of breeding research :rolleyes:
i have put a male and female betta together after conditioning them. dont tell me off i know what i am doing i just want to ask a quick question that i would like answered. i put her in his tank and he flared at her for a bit and she showed no interest just swam away. the tank is at the right temp and all that but they dont show any interest in each other. should i remove the female and try another or leave them to see if they like each other or not. oh yeah what is the minimum age to breed bettas??? please could you answer these questions and nothing else!!
thank englishbetas

Dunno, thought you'd done loads of breeding research :rolleyes:
omg i said i had done a lot and i also said specifically in the question and to only reply if u had an answer and clearly that aint an answer! :grr: and the one thing that annoys me is i cant post on here now without getting sarcastic or sly replies and ending up with no answer!!!!!!!!! :angry:
I've not bred bettas before, but i've read enough to know that you don't just put the female in the male's tank - you need to put her in a "chimney" (2ltr coke bottle with top and bottom cut off) in the spawning tank for a few days to let her get eggy and to encourage the male to bubblenest. You release her when she shows breeding bars and looks eggy, and when the male has built a suitable nest.

I hope you have live food this time around.... just saying, i'm not having "a go"
male betta's i think mature at an older age than the females.
when you say your male flare's up at the do you you mean as in aggresion or what?
try leaving them together for a few days to give them chance to settle in together...if they still show no interest after that then consider removing her into another tank.
Dunno, thought you'd done loads of breeding research

That was a bit too sarcastic. Researching doesn't answer everything, nothing beats on-hand experience. Even with research you'll find yourself asking questions anyways.

I'm not a breeder, but how long were they together? I think you could try to keep them together, just be careful of any fighting. Some people keep them together and it works out in the end. Others not so much. But that's just my input! And I have no idea on age, sorry. Good luck~
Dunno, thought you'd done loads of breeding research

That was a bit too sarcastic. Researching doesn't answer everything

You're right! Thinking about it more I should of put a question mark on the end of it, soften the blow a bit.

For everything there's research, for what you can't find to cover your lies there's google...and for when you just want to contradict yourself and spit your dummy out all the time there's this forum... sigh!
Dunno, thought you'd done loads of breeding research

That was a bit too sarcastic. Researching doesn't answer everything

You're right! Thinking about it more I should of put a question mark on the end of it, soften the blow a bit.

For everything there's research, for what you can't find to cover your lies there's google...and for when you just want to contradict yourself and spit your dummy out all the time there's this forum... sigh!
see so far there have been quite a few replies but only a few answers!! and guess who wins the award for sarcasm- its big_eyes!!!!! seriously though i removed her and just o let you know i do the breeding differently and not exactly by the internet!!
I think you should consider the chimney method I mentioned :)
finally, someone nice!! :good: and i have tried that before and it just made them stressed and they kept jumping out so i gave up, plus i find that by just putting the two together you get them to like each other and they dont fight as much, but thanks for the advice anyway!!
I think you should consider the chimney method I mentioned :)
finally, someone nice!! :good: and i have tried that before and it just made them stressed and they kept jumping out so i gave up, plus i find that by just putting the two together you get them to like each other and they dont fight as much, but thanks for the advice anyway!!

I haven't heard many female bettas actually jumping the chimney - maybe it was just yours? You could try another female and try the chimney method and see if it works out better.
The female won't jump if the bottle is tall enough - which it should be over the recommended water level of 6inches :good:

This is the best way to get the female "eggy". It might look like they're showing aggression but it's usually the male displaying and trying to "woo" the female. If she jumps, people have come to find that they've spawned in the time from jumping to being discovered... so it might be worth another go :)
Dunno, thought you'd done loads of breeding research

That was a bit too sarcastic. Researching doesn't answer everything

You're right! Thinking about it more I should of put a question mark on the end of it, soften the blow a bit.

For everything there's research, for what you can't find to cover your lies there's google...and for when you just want to contradict yourself and spit your dummy out all the time there's this forum... sigh!


Englishbettas;- i will PM you :)

Edit: JTA;- You can start spawning bettas at 3-4 months.
I would also say try the chimney method.

Did he build a nest? Was she eggy? Put her back in the chimney then release her the following morning. This is what worked with my recent betta spawn. :)
Sometimes it helps to give each of the betta a glass of wine to relax them. lol :)

Good luck. Hope your little couple breeds soon! How "eggy" is the female? Do they need to see males to chub up? Only one of mine has eggs, but she never sees any males except my husband.

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