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    10 Gallon Tall Stocking

    I recently acquired a 10 gallon tall tank. It has one of those filters in the hood deals going on, and instead of the regular intake, I stuck a sponge filter on there. It seems to be working great, just completed its fishless cycle :good: My question is how many fishes can I put in the...
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    Those Who Don't Use Filters

    well it looks like you have an apple snail in there with him. While snails clean algae, they also poop a ton. He might be your culprit.
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    Worried About My New Guinea Pig

    I was going to get another, but when I got her, she had chunks taken out of both ears and wasn't allowed near the food bowl and thus was pretty skinny. I have no idea which pig in the enclosure if any was doing that to her so I thought I would bring her home and let her settle in before I went...
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    What Breed Are These Betta? Can Someone Advise?

    Yep. All veiltails. The last looks more like a plakat male than a female, but if you say she had fry then I guess she is a female! I would still say she is a VT though. Her anal fin looks a bit too long and pointed for a plakat.
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    Sick Betta?

    If they look like grains of salt, then yes. There are many ich medications out there you can choose from, but make sure if he has any live plants or sensitive tankmates that you don't pic one that has copper in it. Often people will tell you to raise the temperature, this will speed the cycle...
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    Worried About My New Guinea Pig

    I used to have guineas when I was little, and I have been lonely in my new apartment so I went and got a guinea who I named Daisy :) I love my Daisy pig, but I am kind of worried about her. Every time I take her out she gets really hot... Like would be feverish if she was a person. She is...
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    My Betta Boys

    Very cute. Peach and Luna are my favorites :) Tell Alice not to feel bad, I have a boy named Ava :P
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    Post Your Betta's.............its Just For Fun Join The Club ^my bettas :) Tsunami and Tugboat will be in the spawning tank this weekend so hopefully my betta count will increase dramatically :) Also my Unimac male is holding :wub:
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    Introducing Me And My Bettas

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    I love all of your fishes :) Wilson is my favorite but his droopy eyelids worry me. Often the guanine deposits that make opaques such a milky white continue to be produced which may eventually effect their finnage or cover their eyes and cause blindness :( Just keep an eye on that... Your...
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    My fish have never even taken notice to the marbles or ping pong balls I supplied them with. They have however taken interest in marbles if I roll them around outside of their tank. The same with tossing around balls of foil :P My roommate and I played fishy in the middle with a foil ball...
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    The New Boys!

    Yeah he will definitely grow more :) He has a young look to him.
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    My fish all react to different colors. Red boy doesn't like red, Yellow boy loves blue if it is a female but hates it if it is anything else. One boy hates pink :P
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    What's The Strangest Thing Your Betta Flares At?

    I have one boy so that he can see out of a window and he will flare at birds that perch on the branch outside :lol:
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    The New Boys!

    Cute boys :) I like their names! They don't look to be rosetails, just SDs with kinked rays that give the illusion of feathering. Rose tails have feathering due to excessive branching. I have known many fish to have fin damage that grew back kinked like that. It might also account for the...
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    My Female Betta Turned Out To Be A Boy!

    Those lines carry or have carried DT based on their dorsal bases. Crooked spines are often a result of such lines and will be passed down to future generations. While the parents are beautiful, it looks like a case of too much line breeding without new genes.
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    He's Dying

    Sorry to hear you are having such a bad week :( Don't let it discourage you!
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    I Have A White Ct Male

    He is super sexy! I love the whites, I just can't get over the look of a pure white fishy, but I am afraid I will be the one to get one that has eye, fin and tumor problems :(
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    Introducing Me And My Bettas

    Thank you :) Hmm not all of the pictures are showing up... Don't know why ????
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    Introducing Me And My Bettas

    I am new to TFF, and like any betta owner, I like to show off my fish :) Lets start with the boys: Lithium - Standard VT with one heck of a tail, a 4 yr old grumpy man Video of Lithium flaring his huge tail :) Banana - found him in a hole in the wall pet store in a half filled small drinking...
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    Is Something Wrong With My Betta

    That looks like an injury to me. A bit of aquarium salt and clean water will help that heal. If it starts to look more like a pit, you might be dealing with Hexamita.
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    Sick Betta

    Dropsy is quite often a viral infection, which means raising the temperature and waiting is all you can do. Epsom salt will help bring down the swelling and relieve some of the pressure causing the bloat and scales to raise.
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    Help Again!

    It is a female. It does not have a pronounced beard, has too short of fins to be a male, has the body shape of a female, and flares like a female. When females flare, they will normally stare it straight on and possibly bend their body. Males on the other hand will flare head on, then turn...
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    Betta Wont Eat

    Often after taking the male away from the fry he will act depressed. He was working very hard for a few days with only one thing on his mind, and now those little things are gone! Try showing him the female to get his mind off of the fry and onto other things :) Usually their breeding...
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    New To Tff :)

    Hello! I am just here to check out how things are over here. I have been keeping tropical fish my entire life I guess. Right now I have 14 betta splendens, intend to breed them soon, and a pair of betta unimaculata who mate all the time, but the male hasn't held more than half the term. No...