What's The Strangest Thing Your Betta Flares At?


Fish Addict
Mar 4, 2009
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Myself, my Betta is docile enough, but will flare at anything close to the glass outside the tank.

I'm sure some Betta's flare at much more interesting things...
lol my boys flare at anything and everything outside their tank. they love it when i am on my lap top next to them. they dont stop. i think they are just showing off though :p considering ramjet is now 2yrs old and nightlight is now 1yr old they are both flareing a fair bit! i know they both love their lil pink mirror though!!
Mine mostly flare at their reflections, although when Radish first got his tank planted then he flared at the plants all day, now he oves to wiggle between them and explore to the back of the tank then attck his reflection.
The PAcket of Hikari Betta Bio Gold and A Spoon
I havnt had mine long but he seems to flare when my partner goes near the tank...
Must have something against him :blink:
or hes jelouse lol
mine flares at my hand
Just tested and he flares at a spoon too :wub:
they both flare at their reflections, my 4 mth old flares at Pringles tubes!!
other than the obvious relflection, i have one boy who is suspicious of everything! he flares at the snails. he flares at the plants. he flares at the bubbles coming from the sponge filter (then he plays in them), he flares every time the camera goes near the tank. at the fish food if i leave it next to the tank, at the drops from the nitrite test when i test his water (he watches them settle down the test tube and follows them flaring)...i swear he spends on average 5 hours a day flaring. he LOVES to act tough. when hes not flaring he is sleeping in the plants or in his cave.

i have a juvi that flares at his reflection and that's about it. he likes to pose for pictures and is very sweet. although hes a tailbiter so i leave a mirror on his tank for him to take his aggression out on instead of his tail. it works great! ive had it in there for 2+ weeks and no more tail biting. id recommend this for anyone with a tail biter. just make sure it is situated where they dont have to see it 24-7(behind some plants or decorations) ..sorry a bit off topic but might be helpful to another betta owner

then there is my old man. he couldnt be bothered to flare anymore. even to a mirror. silly boy. he used to be flare happy but is getting lazy in his old age.
Mine flared at the thermometer in his tank where the red bit is at the bottom :rolleyes: he also flares at me and his food! :lol:
I have one boy so that he can see out of a window and he will flare at birds that perch on the branch outside :lol:
Mine once flared when I put my hand in to re-scape the tank, I had some gravel in my hand, so I rubbed it off in the watr, and he flared at this piece of gravel, even when it was on the floor for about 10 seconds lol

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