Sick Betta?

Floyds mum

Fish Herder
Jul 31, 2009
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My betta has waht look to be white spots (grains) on his fins and body, is this white spot?
Cant get a pic cos he wont stay still long enough and my camera wont take close up pics, even on macro.
If they look like grains of salt, then yes. There are many ich medications out there you can choose from, but make sure if he has any live plants or sensitive tankmates that you don't pic one that has copper in it.

Often people will tell you to raise the temperature, this will speed the cycle of the ich so that the cysts detach from your fish and get killed by the meds.

I have had luck with CopperSafe, but I also didn't have live plants or tankmates.
do a large water change (80%) and up the temp in the tank to 30 C (86 F) if possible...remove any carbon from the filter (the black stuff)...increase aeration to the tank (either add an airstone if you dont have one already or if you have a hang on back style filter lower hte water level in the tank a bit so it splashes more). add a whitespot(aka Ich) med and dose the tank as per directions on the package.
agreed to not use copper if you have sensitive tankmates like inverts (copper wont kill live plants...seems to be confusion on that)...half dose for fish like cories, plecs, tetras if you have thses guys in with your betta. continue treating for a full two weeks after the spots have gone!!!
good you noticed, luckily whitespot is easily treated when noticed quickly and the fish usually make it!
best of luck and any other questions feel free to ask.
do a large water change (80%) and up the temp in the tank to 30 C (86 F) if possible...remove any carbon from the filter (the black stuff)...increase aeration to the tank (either add an airstone if you dont have one already or if you have a hang on back style filter lower hte water level in the tank a bit so it splashes more). add a whitespot(aka Ich) med and dose the tank as per directions on the package.
agreed to not use copper if you have sensitive tankmates like inverts (copper wont kill live plants...seems to be confusion on that)...half dose for fish like cories, plecs, tetras if you have thses guys in with your betta. continue treating for a full two weeks after the spots have gone!!!
good you noticed, luckily whitespot is easily treated when noticed quickly and the fish usually make it!
best of luck and any other questions feel free to ask.

Water temp is at about 30 degrees and i put some white sopt treatment in earlier, i only have white clouds, dwarf corys and an otto. i do have an airstone thats quite strong and filter is splashing to (to keep algae growth under control) will keep watch an let you know how it goes.
How long should i give it?
keep an eye on the cories and ottos for gasping or severe darting (reacting badly to meds). just a word of caution.
everything else seems fine- temp, aeration etc.

keep treating the tank for two weeks AFTER you notice all the spots have gone from the infected fish

all the best...keep us posted.
keep an eye on the cories and ottos for gasping or severe darting (reacting badly to meds). just a word of caution.
everything else seems fine- temp, aeration etc.

keep treating the tank for two weeks AFTER you notice all the spots have gone from the infected fish

all the best...keep us posted.

Ok will do thanx.
Bottle says one capful per 38 litres and i used one capful for my 64 litres, if i do this every day or every other day?
No i think your meant to be doing just under 2 capfuls.
You have 64litres not just 38.
You continue as it says on the bottle :)
Sounds Like Ich. Ich can be treated either by medicine or by raising the tank temp and adding salt.
dont add salt because of the otos. scaless fish generally do not tolerate salt.
everything you've done so far is right on...just keep it up and watch for improvement/ no improvement.
best of luck!

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