

Fish Addict
Jul 5, 2009
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I have heard it said that Bettas enjoy rolling marbles around. I have yet to validate this for myself. Anyone know?
I have heard it said that Bettas enjoy rolling marbles around. I have yet to validate this for myself. Anyone know?

Not marbles, as they are too heavy but something that floats on the surface like a small plastic ball might be interesting to them
thats what i thought! pingpong ball maybe? what about colour?
I have tried both, marbles he likes the "shiny" factor and the pingpong he likes when I prod it about for him. He does not nudge but likes to wrap himself on it. It is still cute :)
some bettas do enjoy rolling marbles around. and they seem to be fascinated my the shininess and color of marbles (if they cant push them around). theyd be fun for a betta. ping pong balls also are fun for them.
My fish have never even taken notice to the marbles or ping pong balls I supplied them with. They have however taken interest in marbles if I roll them around outside of their tank. The same with tossing around balls of foil :p My roommate and I played fishy in the middle with a foil ball around her betta and he seemed to enjoy it :)

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