Help Again!

Wasn't able to view the video from the computer I am at. What seems to be the problem?
Well obviously blue is male and then in breeder trap can see pale coloured one flaring everytime blue comes up to trap and it looks a plakat? I am not good identifying plakats-sorry hon!
The pink/white one has short ventral fins and short anal fin so I'd guess it's just an unhappy female.
Yeah I'm still unsure too.

It has conflicting attributes.
Could be an immature plakat male (due to flaring but have short ventrals)
Or it could be a female, due to the largish stomach.

If I had to make a decision I would actually say male. Just down to the fact that it isn't showing stress or breeding stripes. A female in that container would probably show one or the other by now.
Plus it's anal fin (although a bit raggy), looks quite pointed. And it is consistently flaring at the other male.

Edit: Just thought...being the colouration it could be female and be showing stripes but without you seeing them :S

Do you have any females? And a spare tank? If so could you pop it into another tank and chimney a female. See what happens. If it flares are her and builds a bubble nest then you can be pretty sure it's a male. Also if the female becomes eggy and shows breeding stripes you can be doubly sure it's a male. :)
Obviously you wouldn't want to actually release them and breed them. But it would serve as a test.
looks female to me. does it have a beard when it flares...couldnt make it out in the vid (and i watched three times). females flare too. they also can make bubble nests. it is pretty big (not a juvi) and honestly looks female. keep an eye out for a beard (all i was were gills flaring and no sign of a beard.
all the best
It is a female. It does not have a pronounced beard, has too short of fins to be a male, has the body shape of a female, and flares like a female. When females flare, they will normally stare it straight on and possibly bend their body. Males on the other hand will flare head on, then turn and slowly strut by showing how large they are.

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