The New Boys!


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
Well have got the boys home, they are pretty and in l am in love.
Here is Rude (pretty grumpy!):


And here is Reno:


If your wondering where on earth got the names from go watch Final Fantasy Advent Children ;) They have settled happily to flaring at each other now and then, will try a little bloodworm treat later. Very pretty boys, third slot to be filled probably two weekends time!
handsome boys!
can wait to see them in a month or so when their fins fill out more!
Rude is an 11month old and was beaten up badly by female during breeding, so unsure if tail will and Reno not sure of age but he is small and kinkage to his tail. They are my cuties :)
God, they are beautiful. I like their names. How much were they?
what tail type is rude. Reno looks like rosetail, but I'm not that good with betta tails, only their colours ^_^
Dont shoot me they were free! Because they were less than perfect and needed good homes were given to me, I have also promised to buy some of the new stock (like that is a hardship I have drool towels ready ;))

Rude was a HM I believe, but the female got him pretty bad poor babes. Reno, not too sure and have asked on his age and tail. I am not good with colours or tails! Tell me what colours! lol
Cute boys :) I like their names!

They don't look to be rosetails, just SDs with kinked rays that give the illusion of feathering. Rose tails have feathering due to excessive branching. I have known many fish to have fin damage that grew back kinked like that. It might also account for the fact that their anal fins are so long compared to their caudal :)
thanks for that Antigone! Reno i think is still pretty young so hopefully a little more growing to go :)
That's abusive. I hate you :-( If you managed to make them better then like WOW!
oh very nice, where did you get them for free :good: great find's

ps, iam off from work friday if you both fancy popping round to see my Labyrinth's...hehe snakehead's.....i might even let you get your finger's savaged by the juvi's :lol:
got coffee aswell..
problem is he may fall in love with them
ohhhh Nelly, Im off too just need to check the partner. Sure some rainbowhead channas yesterday and they were gorgeous!! He..and I may fall in love but the small 14g has pretty bettas and the 180litre is getting puffs and I will put my foot down ;) (but watch this space or at least that wall to see if another tank turns up!).

p.s. cant wait to be nibbled by the juvis!
Just to add Reno has made a bubblenest which just discovered itis a bit all over the place, but very pleased! Pic to follow :)

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