He's Dying

Sorry to hear you are having such a bad week :( Don't let it discourage you!
Sorry to hear that he passed away. But these things happen.

will you be looking into getting another betta or not ?
thanks guys

I dont know, ill have a look around =[ im going to be looking for a white cellophane rosetail, i think thats the only way that ill get another now

but knowing me ill find another regardless
22 fish in a week. that is tragic! do you know what the new fish brought in? best to treat every tank you have with antibiotics and sterilize all your tank gear (nets etc). antibacs will harm the filter bacs tho.
what a total shame. i take it you didnt quarantine the new fish. i never do either but this might be a lesson for everyone who reads this thread.
so sorry.that's sad.
here's to better luck for you!
yeah it was some longfin serpae tetras or my other betta [both from the same place] =[

luckily it only got a hold of my new tank and some rummys from my 10g, and i didnt lose my whole tank!

im going to treat the tank this weekend and sort out the nets, im going to buy one for each tank to stop cross contamination to!

aye i didnt beacause at work we quarantine them until they are fit to sell, i just naively presumed that this lfs did too =[

here to a better next time!

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