

New Member
Jul 29, 2009
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EDIT: I decided i should'nt introduce all of my bettas at once. So just a few.

I've been keeping bettas for atleast six years now.
They are great fish and i'm partial to the females.

I've mainly kept all female bettas in multiple community tanks w/ cardinal and rummy nose tetras untill pretty recently i decided i would get some more males. I used to be a dedicated breeder untill about three years ago when i swayed away from keeping males - Having to seperate all the males does bug me so i decided to buy a large tank and work out a dividing system. That idea went to hell.

As of now i have a 215L tank and i spent alot of time working out and successfully building a dividing system and within about a week i ripped the thing out as i cannot stand having any unnatural obstructions in fish tanks.

The reason for the dividers was to have three males and a small female community tank - I ended up losing a male and never buying another so left with one male i decided to attempt a large female community with one male.

And success!
Now some pictures.

This veiltail male was the man i lost, he wasn't with me for that long but myself and the person who owned him previously worked out that he was atleast four years of age, so pretty decent life.



And here he was swimming around happily in his house next to one of the female community tanks.


This is Wilson, he's a HMPK and he has cute little dopey eyelids.


My yellow and blue veiltail females. Both atleast four years of age.






My purple veiltail - Everyone seems to love her.


They are all gorgeous and you are very good with the camera! Really like the composition of the bottom one!
I love all of your fishes :) Wilson is my favorite but his droopy eyelids worry me. Often the guanine deposits that make opaques such a milky white continue to be produced which may eventually effect their finnage or cover their eyes and cause blindness :( Just keep an eye on that...

Your fish look very healthy :)
I love all of your fishes :) Wilson is my favorite but his droopy eyelids worry me. Often the guanine deposits that make opaques such a milky white continue to be produced which may eventually effect their finnage or cover their eyes and cause blindness :( Just keep an eye on that...

Your fish look very healthy :)

The seller was offering him cheap because of that, if he does go blind i will probably move him into a nice cosey little tank.
He's very cute though and for now eyes look good.

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