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  1. Duck1976

    What A Difference A Year Makes (Well, Year And A Half)

    Cheers Minx. I never really understood how good they'd be at recognising different people as well - They know I feed them so go nuts when I go close to the tank and watch me when I go round the room. The mrs just gets followed round and new people get a few mins of "humm, who the hell are...
  2. Duck1976

    What A Difference A Year Makes (Well, Year And A Half)

    HI All, Been a while since I've posted anything, work and all that. Thought I'd stick a couple of pics of Oscar and Wilde to show how much they have grown(and as I have a new SLR camera and have been having a play about....). From this: Oscar: Wilde: To have grown to this: Oscar is...
  3. Duck1976

    Eheim 2075 Or Fluval Fx5

    I've got a 2075 paired up with a Fluval 405, but if I was just going for the one filter then the FX5 would win hands down.
  4. Duck1976

    Which Filter To Buy For 70 Gallon Tank?

    Get the biggest filter you can afford - instead of the Eheim thermo, what about the 2080? or the Fluval Fx5?
  5. Duck1976

    What Is Your Job?

    We had a few new buildings put up on site recently (one of which I am currently sat in with a nice view over the Trough Of Bowland)and had to dig a ditch round the proposed build area with a small fence 1 year before they could break ground. All this was due the posability that there were some...
  6. Duck1976

    Oscars In A Fluval Edge

    Not good at all.
  7. Duck1976

    My New O

    Looking good Minx!
  8. Duck1976

    What Is Your Job?

    Has anyone had a varied career? EG - I started as a chef, then did a total change to work for Airtours in sales and was quickly swapped to the IT dept, looking after IT in the call-centres and doing some resort support (been to most holiday places in Europe, mainly saw Airport->Taxi->Resort...
  9. Duck1976

    Is 700 Ltr Per Hour External Filter To Powerful For My 90ltr Tank

    You'll prob get a few haters and lovers of both. Personally I've never had the 205, but do have a 405 and it's easy to use & I've also had a 700 which again was no problem. Shame about the Ehiem, got a 2075 and it's a mint filter!
  10. Duck1976

    Oscar Should Be Oscarella

    My lovely Tiger Oscar "Oscar", now 1yr old, has turned out to be an Oscarella! Most of the weekend was spent cleaning the slate I have in the tank then on monday morning, lo and behold, it was covered in eggs with Oscar(ella) guarding them like crazy! Wilde is still a month or so younger than...
  11. Duck1976

    Its Here My 566 Gallon 9Ftx3Ftx3Ft Tank

    Jeeesey Creesy BAE! That's flamin huge! How did you get it in the house!?!?! SHould be good though! Looking forward to seeing progress
  12. Duck1976

    What Is Your Job?

    Think he means James Wade (goes out with Helen Chamberlain from Soccer AM)
  13. Duck1976

    What Is Your Job?

    Brother in law's brother does. He used to be the rescue jumper on HMS Invincible. Does loads of different stuff and still enjoys it (although same applies as to Haych's in law's...) Good way to get to see the world (unless you go for subs, where you get to see the inside bulkhead wall)...
  14. Duck1976

    What Is Your Job?

    I do I.T. support for a US IT firm that does all the IT support for a UK defence firm Day to day can be pretty boring, although the place I work can sometimes be like walking onto the set of the discovery channel.
  15. Duck1976

    How Many People Have

    PS3 - Cod4, Cod WAW, Batman Arkham Asylum, Fifa.
  16. Duck1976

    Who Has Seen The Most Concerts

    Seen way too many to list over the years. From Guns N Roses to Destinys Child, Faith No More to Robbie Williams, Bluetones to Metallica. Highlights are prob: Stone Roses (waited 5 years to get to see them live - didn't dissapoint) Sterephonics (about 9 times now, always awesome, looking...
  17. Duck1976

    Raf Waddington Airshow 2008

    Nice Vulcan (I can gurantee that is not a Typhoon - although the one in your other thread is). Is that the last flying Vulcan?
  18. Duck1976

    Waddington Airshow 2009

    Nice pictures Arron. Fair few planes I helped build there (Hawks and the Euofighter Typhoon) Whenever the Typhoon takes off on a test flight you see all the people walking about the place stop and look up. It doesn't get old.
  19. Duck1976

    Moonlight Led

    I like them, had them on all my tanks so far, makes it nice to be able to view the catfish etc... Plus it looks cool at night. Got them on a timer to sync with the main lights. Means that the fish don't get the sudden jump from darkness to full light and back again.
  20. Duck1976

    Tff Fantasy League

    Team added.
  21. Duck1976

    Need Help Choosing A New External Filter Please

    Got mine hooked upto a 300l - bought it from fleabay - came up dirt cheap.
  22. Duck1976

    Awesome Tank Build I Have Just Read

    Can you pass the link on to me as well plaese. Ta very muchly.
  23. Duck1976

    Marine Tanks With Rounded Edges

    2nd'd - Nice tanks!
  24. Duck1976

    Need Help Choosing A New External Filter Please

    I got my Pro 3 2075 yesterday, took about 30mins to get it unpacked and onto the tank (I am one of the anal people who actually reads the instructions). Flow rate is way up on the tetratec it replaced. Couple of airpockets were in the system, which it got shut of after about 2mins, then deadly...
  25. Duck1976


    Lancashire. England. (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
  26. Duck1976

    Eheim 2075

    Just what people thought of them. Quiet enough? Good filtration? etc... Brand new one avail to me for £100. Still boxed. Going to get it this week, but I've always had Fluval's or Tetratec before. Had a look through the net and there were a couple of mentions that it was loud to start...
  27. Duck1976

    Eheim 2075

    Been offered a new eheim 2075 exceedingly cheap. Anyone on here actually used one, what do they think? Would be replacing a Tetratec 700 on a 300l (currently running Fluval 405 and the 700).
  28. Duck1976

    Problem With Fluval Roma 200 Stand

    Shelagh, Check out This which has your consumer rights. The goods are less than 6 months old and are not fit for purpose. The place where you bought them from (so long as they were not faulty when you bought them and you were not informed about it) have to give you a full refund or replace...
  29. Duck1976

    Top 10 Signs Of An Aquarium Hobbyist

    #6 is soooo true it's scarey :rolleyes:
  30. Duck1976

    Schumacher Is Making A Return - Updated

    He'll not have a chance of wining the championship. The only thing on the Shoe-makers mind will be "Beat Raikkonen". And that's about it.
  31. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Looking good there Shelagh!
  32. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Here's a few piccies I took the other week after the re-scape and the fighting.. Wilde and Ocsar, both getting along ok. For the time being. Wilde on his own, still a bit shy after Oscar beat him up (you can see the marks near his tail) and seemed to get slight marks like HITH (water...
  33. Duck1976

    Tank Volumes Of Nd Aquatic Tanks

    Yeah, they measure the outside and leave an inch or so from the top as you don't put your water right upto the lip of the tank, so the volume they give out is "Useful Volume".
  34. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Had great fun over the weekend... Myself and the better half have been away from Thurs night to Sun, so had parents come round to feed the fish on Sat aft. Got a phone call whilst my dad was there about Wilde being chased round by Oscar (or as my dad put it "The big thing is chasing the...
  35. Duck1976

    Rena Smartheater

    I have one of the 300w Rean Smart heaters - v good. Big C - As goes using the connection kit, will it fit onto a Fluval 405's intake? Or is there an extra adapter required? Or do they make a couple of Connection Kit sizes? Wouldn't mind linking mine up.
  36. Duck1976

    Argos Sand

    Half fill a bucket with it, stick a hose in right to the bottom. Turn on the water and leave till the water coming over the edge is clear. Repeat. Easy peasy.
  37. Duck1976

    Do I Have To Change It?

    If you check on flea bay (item 190280961377) that will fit the Rio 240 & 300 and also the Vision 260. You'll have to get the tubes on top. If your after the long term then they are beneficial, however you could put some reflectors on your current (t8's ??) lights.
  38. Duck1976

    Blue Lighting

    I have a similar set up to Saz, makes it nice for the fish so they don't get a huge jump into bright main lights or back down to total darkness. I keep mine on at night for 2 hours after the main lights go out as it does look really cool!
  39. Duck1976

    In Need Of Bulbs..

    I take it you need the 41" tubes? If so, they are pretty common place. 1047mm - they are a standard fitting in the Juwel High Lites for the Rio 300 & 240 & Vision 260. You should be able to get them pretty much anywhere.
  40. Duck1976

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    What abotu "Scaramanga", close to Scar, but is also the name of the baddie in Man From The Golden Gun and he/she looks pretty golden. or you could go for "Auric" (as in Goldfinger.... never guess I was a bond fan.... lol )