Rena Smartheater


Fish Fanatic
Nov 14, 2008
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Hi -

I'm taking a look at RENA Smartheaters - which I understand you can connect to the intake hose on external filters.
I was wondering if anyone here has one of these - and how easy is it to clean the heater and strainer? I assume the whole heater is hollow? Can you just brush through it?

I have one of the new Rena Smart Heaters, it is quite a large piece of equipment especially if go for one of the higher wattage models.
But they are a nice design and very robust. The heater itself is hollow and is easily cleaned using a small baby's bottle brush. To fit it to the inlet you will need the Rena smart heater connection kit which is cheap to buy and is really essential as these heaters work on the principle that there will be copious amouts of water flowing both around and more importantly through the heater body.
A very good heater in my opinion which is easily set to the correct temperature (69 Deg - 93 Deg F.) and has a warning light which flashes if the temp in your aquarium gets out of range.
I'm very pleased with the workings of this heater thus far compared to the more conventional heater/stats I've had in the past, given the amount of time I've been in this hobby I've been through a fair amount of those.
I agree with BigC I haven't had any issues with mine. Mine is in a heavily planted tank I've pulled stuff off the strainer a few times, but I have not really cleaned it. I've had it for about 4 months.
I have one of the 300w Rean Smart heaters - v good.

Big C - As goes using the connection kit, will it fit onto a Fluval 405's intake? Or is there an extra adapter required? Or do they make a couple of Connection Kit sizes? Wouldn't mind linking mine up.

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