Top 10 Signs Of An Aquarium Hobbyist


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Manila, Philippines
As I was searching for some good articles on the net I found this Top 10 list at :fish:

Top Ten Signs Someone is an Aquarium Hobbyist...
by Lisa Englander

10. They own more than two articles of clothing with fish on them.
9. Their children's names are Barb, Molly and Oscar.
8. They cut their honeymoon short because they don't trust Grandma to take care of their fish.
7. They spend their Saturday nights doing partial water changes.
6. The only time they wash dishes is when they need the sink to clean their tanks.
5. Their friends say, "You really need to talk to someone." So they join an aquarium club.
4. It occurs to them that if they get rid of their husband's favorite recliner, they'd have the perfect place to put another aquarium.
3. There's nothing to eat in the refrigerator, unless you like bloodworms!!
2. There's not one aspirin in the house, but if you ever get ich, they're prepared!
1. They can hardly wait for the next new post in the Pet Fish thread of

As I was searching for some good articles on the net I found this Top 10 list at :fish:

Top Ten Signs Someone is an Aquarium Hobbyist...
by Lisa Englander

10. They own more than two articles of clothing with fish on them.
9. Their children's names are Barb, Molly and Oscar.
8. They cut their honeymoon short because they don't trust Grandma to take care of their fish.
7. They spend their Saturday nights doing partial water changes.
6. The only time they wash dishes is when they need the sink to clean their tanks.
5. Their friends say, "You really need to talk to someone." So they join an aquarium club.
4. It occurs to them that if they get rid of their husband's favorite recliner, they'd have the perfect place to put another aquarium.
3. There's nothing to eat in the refrigerator, unless you like bloodworms!!
2. There's not one aspirin in the house, but if you ever get ich, they're prepared!
1. They can hardly wait for the next new post in the Pet Fish thread of


#6 is soooo true it's scarey :rolleyes:
HAHAHA it's a diagnosis sheet,

My other half found this a riot, making pointed comment about each one i do. (12. Customise your bedroom to be your fish room, with extra sockets and heavy duty kitchen counters instead of a wardrobe and bed and stuff) :unsure: :rofl:

13. When looking a prospective new houses you don't place where your furniture will go, but where your current tanks and any future tanks will go. If it can't eventually fit a 6fter then it's not good enough!
5, 8, 9 & 10 dont apply. Changed what apply to me.

7 - Sat mornings for water change
6 - Sat mornings wash up to clear sink
4 - Want to get rid of armchair and old sideboard for 700 litre tank
3 - Freezer not fridge
2 - Hubby has paracetamol, Fish have everything else
1 - All the time

13. When looking a prospective new houses you don't place where your furniture will go, but where your current tanks and any future tanks will go. If it can't eventually fit a 6fter then it's not good enough!

Thats me this week..Moving next week and want to get paint on the walls so i can get the tank placed and filled up with water to start the cycle I cant wait any longer than 48 hours after getting the keys to having ammonia travelling through the filter..Im obsessed

How about
14. Stops when out walking near water to eye up bits of rock,stone,wood that would go well in the tank

Or is that one just me
13. When looking a prospective new houses you don't place where your furniture will go, but where your current tanks and any future tanks will go. If it can't eventually fit a 6fter then it's not good enough!

How about
14. Stops when out walking near water to eye up bits of rock,stone,wood that would go well in the tank

Or is that one just me

Me and a friend took a road trip to the beach last Saturday. We got out the car to have a stroll when he asked me what the Asda carrier bag was for... three hours later its full of rocks, pebbles and various woods! :D

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