Is 700 Ltr Per Hour External Filter To Powerful For My 90ltr Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2006
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Hi all
another silly question! I have a 90 ltr tank which i want to over filter, im looking to get a Eheim 2324 external to replace my Fluval 105 but wonder if 700 ltr per hour is overkill for my tank ? have you got a control to slow the rate down?
many thanks as always to yu all
Not overkill at all, in fact, if your going for a planted tank I would go for one that does 900L per hour. The general rule to help avoid algae in planted tanks is 10x the tanks volume per hour of rated flow rate per hour, the actual flow rate will be less anyway. So I would get the Eheim and keep the Fluval on it too, giving 1180lph or 13.1x rated turnover.

My 71L planted tank has 20.1x rated turnover using a Fluval 105 plus powerheads, and my shrimp, betta, plecs...everything in the tank is does great :good:.

Remember the flow is best spread out using a spraybar, and that a lot of the flow will be lessened by plants and other decor in the tank.

But regardless, even if your not interested in planting the tank, 700lph is certainly not overkill :).
Cheers mate, I set my heart on a eheim but it wont fit in my cupboard so looks like i may upgrade to a fluval 205 or a tetratec 700 (i think)
Cheers mate, I set my heart on a eheim but it wont fit in my cupboard so looks like i may upgrade to a fluval 205 or a tetratec 700 (i think)

You'll prob get a few haters and lovers of both. Personally I've never had the 205, but do have a 405 and it's easy to use & I've also had a 700 which again was no problem.

Shame about the Ehiem, got a 2075 and it's a mint filter!
you could actually go higher if you wanted. it all really depends on your fish, and how you have the filter set up.

i have a tank running close to 60x turnover/hr, and its working out fine. lol
Just looked at the dimensions of the tetratec 700 and it says its 420mm tall!!!!!! any one out there who has one can you tell me if this is correct?
Just looked at the dimensions of the tetratec 700 and it says its 420mm tall!!!!!! any one out there who has one can you tell me if this is correct?

The main unit is about 380mm tall then if you add the 2 outputs that the pipes connect to then yes 420mm is about right.

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