Search results

  1. L

    Any fish that just don't interest you?

    I had a red finned shark that was bestest buddies with my clown loach!! I said i wouldnt keep neon's but i saw some babies for sale and brought them and its nice when you have something from being a baby. Wouldnt keep mollies or guppies again, they just die all the time. Syno's... would...
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    Purple Tetra

    yep they're the ones! Thanks for being very helpful, as usual! Its just at the shop, it just said "purple tetra" Crazy shop..... still going to go back and buy them.......
  3. L

    a little advise please

    maybe you should try putting some danios in??? they can live in new tanks.... Sorry about all your tetras
  4. L

    Purple Tetra

    Hello everyone, just thought i'd ask if anyone on here had heard of these purple tetras, i found them in a fish shop that i'd never been to before, and just wanted to know if they were normal. they look kind of white with a black stripe and when they get under the light they look purple, they're...
  5. L

    Major Problem!

    just found out my filter is a 3plus.... sorry bout that! Its about 2 inch at most, and will be getting a bigger tank in the future, so when they do get bigger there would be more room. Have done a water change already!
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    Major Problem!

    that is exactly what my tank has got!!!!! Cant test water until friday, because i am at work all the time the fish shop is open, and its miles away.... will do it then..... Its a 124L tank and its got tetra's, danio's, two catfish, clown loach, gouramis in total about 25 fish. The filter is a...
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    Major Problem!

    Not entirely sure whats going on in my tank :( , but all the water has gone cloudy, and fish are getting white stuff over them and dying within 24hrs of getting this. At first i thought it was an outbreak of fungus, so i treated it with interpet fungus and fin rot treatment, but this hasnt...
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    Poorly plec

    it definatly isnt fluffy,i dont know how would be best to describe it. I wouldnt put salt in the water anyway, because of the clown loach i have! I have done a water change, i'll let everyone know what happens, thanks!
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    Poorly plec

    when i had the water tested , about two weeks ago, it was fine, because that tank has just had some problems, but everything seems fine at the minute. The white stuff in his mouth doesnt look like fungus, looks like he's been sucking to much! If it is fungus what should i do?
  10. L

    Poorly plec

    They dont look like little worms, its just like something on his nose thats the same colour brown as him, it hasnt gotten any bigger or moved or anything. He's still eating today and swimming around. He only got a little bit of fin missing on his back, but thats been like that for a while, no...
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    Poorly plec

    sorry but i cant post pics, but its still feeding and its acting normal, i have no idea what i could be!! i'll check on him tonight, when i get home, and i'll post again tomoro on how he's feeling, thanks for replying! :)
  12. L

    Poorly plec

    Not completely sure what is wrong with my little dude, for one, there are like yellow round things on one side of his mouth, but you can only see them when he is on the glass. and then whilst i was looking at that, i noticed he's got brown stuff coming out of his nose, but at a closer...
  13. L

    UK Fish Store Directory

    Pets at home St Peters Road, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire. Variety: 5 Quality: 2 Staff: 0 Pet Leaders :flex: High Street, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire Variety: 8 Quality: 7 Staff: 9.5
  14. L

    help help please help

    i bet your clown loach is lonely, one of mine died and i thought that he would, but i got him a buddy and now hes fine.
  15. L

    Gourami Tenticles?

    so he was stroking the i think that my gourami is confused...... :unsure:
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    I just can't seem to locate a place

    do what i did, go to your local lfs and demand females, and just keep going and buggin them, eventually they got me 5 :D
  17. L

    Gourami Tenticles?

    Can they move them? or does the water just move them, because i swear ive seen Three (my red honey gourami) stroking the catfish!! :huh: (he's called three because one if his feelers is split into three, he's special)
  18. L

    Unexpected deaths

    Same thing is happening to me! Its so sad... Hope everything works out for you! And i'm sorry about your fish!
  19. L

    whats going on!!

    answers.... My tank has been set up for about a year the catfish,clown loach and danios were the first first i ever brought, so ive had the fish a long time I think that my tank is a 150 litres, something like that The fish just die, they dont look sick at all. yes the person at the pet shop...
  20. L

    whats going on!!

    Something really strange is going in my little fish tank world...... everything is dying! and i dont know why, so far i have lost....: blue gourami 4 female fighters my best and favourite sail fin catfish clown loach a few danios white clouds im really fed up of it, its making me really sad! I...
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    my blue gourami has got a brown spot near his fin, and also he is acting really strange, does anyone have any ideas? thanks!
  22. L

    Very poorly gourami

    I know my tank is over stocked but i do regular water changes and everything , so everyone is okay, sadly my gourami died by the time i got home from work :( thanks for the help everyone
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    Fish id

    nothing to important, ive got a new fish ( only got it because it was free) and its nothing aggressive or anything and it looks like, its see thru and with a red tail. thats about all i can tell you. if anyone has any ideas what it could be let me know! thanks!
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    Very poorly gourami

    I have recently brought 3 blue dwarf gouramis and the smallest one is very ill! first of all he was swimming funny, like he couldnt keep his balance, and ever since i have had the gouramis the littlest one has been sat on its own and been kind of a loner! last night i had a look at the fish and...
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    Japanese Blue Fighter Fish

    just something i wanted to add.... japanese and siamese fighter fish are the same.(pretty sure about that) dont forget, only one male per tank!!!! hth ;)
  26. L

    Freaky stuff!!

    its not coming out of his mouth, just a little spot just near his mouth, strange tho isnt it!
  27. L

    need help snail infestation

    if i was you i'd clean your tank! how would you like it living in some green yuk stuff? if you want to get rid of the snails before they overrun you tank get a few clown loach!! they'll eat them out of there shells!! just keep an eye in you filter, i had loads of snail hiding in there from the...
  28. L

    Freaky stuff!!

    Well its my moustash danio (did i spell that right?) anyway, its got a spot on its mouth, its white and only tiny,it sticks out abit too. wondering whether this could be the start of like mouthrot or something??? Any ideas? sorry i cant post pics!
  29. L

    betta tanks

    i dont think you could keep them in little tanks if you're somewhere cold, and if they arent filtered it means cleaning them out every other day! If you fancy all that trouble then it's fine, but i dont see the problem with what you've got, if there is nothing going wrong at the minute, just...
  30. L

    Never thought about fish getting pregnant

    thanks alot!! So i'm going to have guppy babies! that will be good, if any survive, if not then it'll be some good lunch for the other fishies! Thanks again!
  31. L

    gourami pairs

    i thought that it would be like breeding betta's. you would need calm water and i think that he'd guard them just like the betta. i think any fish that builds bubblenest would be better in an individual tank where you can set everything up right for them, if i was you, i would wait until you had...
  32. L

    Never thought about fish getting pregnant

    I just wanted to know what a pregnant guppy/danio looks like, because i think that i have a pregnant guppy and pearl danio, dirty fishies! Also wanted to know what this gravid spot was all about?? thanks :D
  33. L

    Betta with Danios?

    another thing, your betta looks just like mine!!!! :D
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    Betta with Danios?

    there shouldnt be any problem with that really, suppose the only problem could be that the betta could mistake the danio for another betta, which would be bad, see how the betta reacts to the danios first, if you've got a nice betta, it should be okay, ive just had the same kind of thing happen...
  35. L

    im i ?

    I'm from england!!
  36. L

    Gouramis body is limp and he can't swim but alive

    i found this with a pic of a fish with dropsy dropsy
  37. L

    Bettas and planted tanks

    well i posted something a while ago, and im going to have to get rid of some of my fish, because i have no where else to put them and i cant afford a new tank for while, so nemo and tigger are going back to the shop, as well as the shark :sad: :-(
  38. L

    Gravel cleaner thingy!!

    mmmmm tasty fishy water....... :sick:
  39. L

    What can i put in with a betta?

    i'd say, tetra, danios... basically anything that isnt a fin nipper. erm.... maybe your cory could do with some buddies, are you suppose to keep them in groups??? hope this helps :)