What can i put in with a betta?


New Member
Mar 24, 2004
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Hi! i am looking for some good tank mates for my betta whom i have just added to my 6.5 gallon tank. There are currently two platies, a dwarf frog and a cory cat in there with him. I was wondering what other kind of fish go well with bettas. I was thinking guppies because i really like them...but i have heard that guppies with male bettas can be bad. Why is this? Is there any way that it can work? What kind of fish will be a better choice?
I am sure there are people that can answer you with more experience. But I think that it depends on the Betta and the other fish. I have one Betta that I have in a Community tank with several other fish and he does fine, but it is a large tank. But I tried to put two of my other Bettas in with Platies or Mollies and they(the Bettas) chased the other fish all the time. I also had a rather large Molly that chased my Community Betta too. So I really think that it is the temperment of the Betta and the other fish. But from everything that I have read Platies and Mollies are okay and Guppies aren't because of their tails--the Betta may mistake them for other Bettas.
I hope this helps some. :) And Good Luck!
I would say any of the tetras that are not fin nippers would be a good choice. The guppies would be fine. I have had a male betta in a guppy display tank without any trouble. I guess some bettas may see the color of the male guppies and react as if it was another male betta but i have never experienced this in any of my tanks. Good luck in your search :D
i'd say, tetra, danios... basically anything that isnt a fin nipper. erm.... maybe your cory could do with some buddies, are you suppose to keep them in groups??? hope this helps :)
While I agree with the above points... I'll point out that with just a 6.5g tank, you may already be overstocked. Also, corys do best in small groups of at least 3.

I think your best bet would be to find a bigger home for the platys and the frog. That would allow you to get a guppy or two as well.

In the 6.5g, you could have a total of 3 (small/dwarf) corys. They'll keep each other company and shouldn't bother the betta.

Hope that helps... :thumbs:
I'll point out that with just a 6.5g tank, you may already be overstocked. Also, corys do best in small groups of at least 3.

A agree completely with both those points.

I don't know why guppies are a problem, I keep a few common guppies with my betta and they just ignore each other. Maybe the fancy guppy's attract more attention from the betta?
Avoid Botia loaches. I left 1 in with my betta 4 1 day and hen i come back, my bettas all chewed up. I'm really starting to hate that loach :angry: :lol: Just kidding. It's just what he does. Don't worry, i moved the betta too
Be careful adding guppies to a beta tank. I used to feed my beta guppies. I don't think the beta mistaked the fish for another beta, but merely saw them as food. And it sounds like you've already got a full tank. Be careful not to overstock!

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