Unexpected deaths


New Member
Aug 18, 2004
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Hi, I am hoping there is someone out there who can help me!

I have a community tank with guppies, neon tetras, mollies, scissortails, a platy, a catfish, 4 shrimps & a puffer fish. The guppies and mollies have been breeding fast & the tank is well planted out, so to be honest I don't know exactly how many fish I have in there! Approx 30?! In a 40 litre tank.

Anyway, in the last 3 or 4 days I have lost 2 neons, a fighter fish, a platy, a molly, 2 ribbon tail guppies and approx 3 more guppies. I couldn't see any sign of illness on the first few fish that died, but have been watching them much closer since & noticed changes in the colour of the scales, almost blister like patches on the scales with reddening & tail fins that look like they are disintegrating.

From the first signs of the symptoms, the fish are dead within a day. I have attempted treatment using an anti internal bacterial treatment (on Monday) but am worried that by the time it takes effect, I will have lost all my fish!

I recently added 2 neon tetras (a third died in the bag on the way home). Unfortunately, I don't have a second tank so didn't quaratine them first - I think this is where the disease came from though.

Does anyone have any other ideas for treatment? :sad:
Hi claire,

How long have you had your tank?
Do u test your tank water for ammonia and nitrite?
Well for a start off that tank is way overstocked.. 40 litres is just 8.5 gallon and fom what I know about 5 fish in there is pushing it :huh:
Are you sure its 40 LItres and not 40 gallons? :dunno:

Secondly.. Puffer fish ***ARE NOT*** community fish.. they can be very agressive and fin nippers.. So you must do something about him :-(

You are probably having a massive amonis problem due to the amount of fish.

Only way to cure that is do tests.. find out the problem..i.e. Ammonia and Nitrate Levels. Water changes are the best short term fix for your problem 25% is a good place to start.. and take it from there. :unsure:

Are you sure about the tank capacity.. cos if your right its a wonder they can turn round..lol and a miracle you haven't lost fish before. :sad:
Hi Claire,

Wow.....30 fish in a 40 litre tank? Are you sure?? I can't even imagine that!! If your fish are dieing that is definately the reason. Too many fish...too much ammonia. Your fish are producing way too much ammonia and your tank can't keep up with it. :no:

Also in such a small tank maybe it isn't the best idea to have so many different species of fish? I would definately be thinking about getting rid of some of the fish. Ask your LFS if they would take them back.

I agree with littleme1969 if your tank really is only 40 litres 5 fish is about the max you should have in there.

Please let us know if the tank really is only 40 litres!
Elisabeth83 said:
Hi Claire,

Wow.....30 fish in a 40 litre tank? Are you sure?? I can't even imagine that!! If your fish are dieing that is definately the reason. Too many fish...too much ammonia. Your fish are producing way too much ammonia and your tank can't keep up with it. :no:

Also in such a small tank maybe it isn't the best idea to have so many different species of fish? I would definately be thinking about getting rid of some of the fish. Ask your LFS if they would take them back.

I agree with littleme1969 if your tank really is only 40 litres 5 fish is about the max you should have in there.

Please let us know if the tank really is only 40 litres!
5 fish? u sure?

i had 5 barbs, 2 x Angels, 2 x Bristle nose and a worm loach thing in my 40ltr tank, no problems in 3 years, only now, have i upgraded to a bigger tank.

I agree 30 is probably pushing it a tad though ;)
pgtips said:
5 fish? u sure?

i had 5 barbs, 2 x Angels, 2 x Bristle nose and a worm loach thing in my 40ltr tank, no problems in 3 years, only now, have i upgraded to a bigger tank.

I agree 30 is probably pushing it a tad though ;)
just because you did it definatly dosn't make it right...

our 54L (60x30x30) has 8 fish in it - BUT its nothing to do with the quantity of fish - its all to do with the load they place on the tank - in terms of waste.

the 4 prestilla tetras and 2 loaches in there place very little load on the tank - the 2 bristle noses however place a very big load on it.

I personally feel that (as normal) our stocking is on the high side (hence i have better filtration) however we test regularly - and have no problems.

It does sound like a nasty case of overloading.
i doubt its an 8 gallon tank. The fish would have no room to move! its just seems impossible.
Oops! I have definately made a mistake with the tank size then - I know its not over-stocked because when I bought the tank I was told that I could stock it with at least 30 small fish. I will check again when I get home how many litres it is!

Sorry for the confusion!

As for the puffer fish - he is definately not an agressive fish. I can't remember the name of the species, but he was sold as a 'friendly' puffer. I have had him for at least 6 months and haven't witnessed him being aggressive with any of the other fish.

I have done water tests and there are no problems with nitrates or PH's or anything like that?!

Incidently, following the treatment I gave them on Monday, today is the first day that I haven't had a death, or any fish looking ill, so looks like the treatment is working anyway.

Will get back to you with the tank size!
Found out now that my puffer is a South American puffer - he is a gorgeous little fish & no trouble at all!
from what ive read on the South American puffer they can go with other fish. but they need to be chosen carefully, because of fin nipping. thats probly what killed the fish.

because all the fish thjat died can have long fins. so if you got rid of the puffer, then you should be okay with the other fish.
If you let us know the measurments of your tank in Cms then I can calculate your volume roughly.
It would be good to know how big this tank is cos I'm amazed by the situation.
I also agree...just cos you have never seen your puffer fish being aggressive does not mean that hes not a problem. Some can be very sneaky and only sneak up on fish and have a nip at night when the tank light is off. :shifty:

Let us know .... :thumbs:
I have checked and the tank is actually 45 gallons!- sorry for the confusion! :S
Thanks, things have settled down now. I think I have lost about half my fish though!!!

I will be buying a hospital tank in future - I am certain that the disease came from the new fish purchased the week before the others started dying.

You live and learn! Thanks to all for your advice! :nod:

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