Very poorly gourami


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
Derbyshire..... Again
I have recently brought 3 blue dwarf gouramis and the smallest one is very ill! first of all he was swimming funny, like he couldnt keep his balance, and ever since i have had the gouramis the littlest one has been sat on its own and been kind of a loner! last night i had a look at the fish and he was sat in the corner looking dead, so i caught him in the net and he spat some stuff out of his mouth, not quite sure what?! and i put him into one of those breeder net (just plastic poles with mesh stuff round it) and first of all he was swimming a little and occasionally he would look ok, so i thought i would leave him, i checked on him this morning and he was floating, i thought he was dead, so i was just about to catch him and i saw he had started breathing, but then all of a sudden he fell to the bottom of the net, he swam to the top once and after that he was laying on the bottom, still breathing luckyly but i wondered if anyone would have any idea what was wrong with him?

My tank has been set for about 4 months and all the other fish are okay.
And the water is okay (so the man at the fish shop says)
any help would be good, thanks!
126 litres = 34 (roughly) US gallons

That doesnt sound alot for the amount of fish you have in there IMO (sorry dont mean to preach).

Do you have a Quarantine/Hospital you can put the little guy in, and monitor him closely.
Maybe raise the temp and add some salt in a seperate tank?

I would wait a bit until you do anything. There are people here that will help you no end and im sure will help you with a resolution.

However, i would imagine one of the first questions you will be asked are your water parameters - IE Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and PH/Kh hardness etc.
Especially with your stocking as it is.
This will help detirmine why this may have happened and might enlighten the situation a bit more.....

Good luck with the little chap, hope it works out ;)
I know my tank is over stocked but i do regular water changes and everything , so everyone is okay, sadly my gourami died by the time i got home from work :( thanks for the help everyone

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