a little advise please


New Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Hi, I am new to tropical fish keeper we got our tank last week and after leaving it for a few days and checking all the levels (which were fine) we got 6 neon tetras and 6 black neons on Saturday. We checked the levels again Sunday they were all fine and the temperature about 25/26oC they all seemed healthy. However when we got home from work Monday two of our neon tetras had died and another died later in the night. We were watching him and it was like he kept 'passing out' he would drift on his side and then swim. I have heard about white spot and reading this morning on this site but the other fish all seem fine and there is no loss of appetite. Although the 3 neon Tetra left do have one or two little white spots. I checked the levels again and they are still fine
Can you advise me please on whether I should get white spot treatment or if there is something else it could be.
hi, sorry for your loss
unfortunatly neon tetras are one of the hardest fish to keep, due to the massive amount of inbreeding. they are very sensative to water conditions and really need to be added to a well matured tank.
Your tank is still probably cycling(how many gallons does it hold?) and neons aern't very hardy fish at all and realy don't cope very well in new tanks which are still cycling; how many days exactly did you leave the tank before adding fish?

To be honest i doubt the neons will do very well in the new tank and are realy fish suited to more mature tanks; sorry about all the bad news but i would probably rehome/take them back to the shop and get a couple of much more hardy fish like danios or platys/guppys/mollys(numbers depend on how big your tank is) to help avoid anymore deaths.

What exactly are you testing for when you test your water quality?
Thanks for your replies.
Firstly our tank holds just under 100 litres
Secondly we were checking pH, nitrates and ammonia
We basically went with what our lfs directed, we left it three days before getting the fish and they said that the Neon’s would be the best.
However I got in contact with them and they to said that the filter probably hadn't settled in and will replace the three fish in about a week.
We decided not to treat for ich they all seem fine now there are no white spots and are very lively and hungry too.
I guess it was just one off those things.

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