Gravel cleaner thingy!!

Ted H

New Member
Mar 8, 2004
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Cumbria ..UK
I was fortunate enought to be given most of my tropical fish keeping stuff... I've managed to get it set up and running ( with everyones help on here). and have two southern platy swimming around to get cycling....
Amongst the stuff i got I've got what I take to be a gravel cleaner.... a wide tube at the bottom .. tapers to the end where i suggest a hose connects, there also seems to be a valve of sorts inside it... How do I get it to clean the gravel how vigourous do you shake it about (I assume thats the principle) . I also take it its done as part of a water change.
Btw .. waters fine at the moment platys in for two days. NO2 nil NO3 nil Amm 0.1 Ph 7.5. so I think I dont need to change the water just yet ?
generally this is used to both siphon and clean your gravel. usually used by starting the siphon and then placing it into the gravel this will cause the gravel to be sucked up into the tube along with the debris. when the debris is removed then pick up the end and move it to the next spot to clean. I ususally clean only part of the tank each time I use the siphon. The valve may be used to start the siphoning by putting the tube in the water and moving it up and down to start the flow instead of getting a mouthful of water.
I have a problem keeping the gravel in the tank. It always wants to get sucked through the syphon. :dunno:
If you watch the gravel level going up the tube if it climbs up to about half way to the top of the tube just lift it out of the gravel, this will release some of the suction and the gravel will fall back to the bottom of the tank.
There is a new thing that is a gravel vacuum that cleans the gunk out without taking out water. It hooks up to an airpump. It is made by Marineland.
how vigourous do you shake it about

The idea is to attach the hose and submerge the tube end in the water, then shake it vigourously a few times 'til the water starts to flow. Mine needs to be shaken quite vigourously (I think it's to big for the tank :unsure: ) and this seems to stress the fishies so I suck on the end of the hose 'til full of water, then place the end of the hose in the bucket. No fish water in the mouth just yet, and the fish seem to like it much better!

so I think I dont need to change the water just yet ?

I don't think a change is needed just yet. Most people say when the ammo reaches 1.0 it's time for a change. Also, it's generally not recommended that you vacuum while your tank is cycling. The waste contributes to the good bacteria growth.

hope this helps!
heresmike said:
how vigourous do you shake it about

The idea is to attach the hose and submerge the tube end in the water, then shake it vigourously a few times 'til the water starts to flow. Mine needs to be shaken quite vigourously (I think it's to big for the tank :unsure: ) and this seems to stress the fishies so I suck on the end of the hose 'til full of water, then place the end of the hose in the bucket. No fish water in the mouth just yet, and the fish seem to like it much better!
Try this: put the whole thing in the water, put your thumb over the end of the tube, turn the wide end upwards in the water so you force the air out, then take the end out, keeping your thumb over it until it's below the level of the bottom of the part still in the tank (so it'll syphon), then take your thumb away. If all goes well the syphon should start, no shaking the fish about and no danger of a mouthful of fishy water!! :)

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