Bettas and planted tanks


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I plan to set up a planted 10 gallon, divided in the middle. Then move my bettas out of their 2.5 gal into each side of the 10 (once the tank is ready of course). My question is, are bettas ok in planted tanks? I know that plastic plants can tear fins, and I have silk plants in with my guys right now, but will they be ok in a well-stocked planted tank?
I am using fine-leaf watersprite, java ferns, green hygro and dwarf sag, all soft plants, nothing hard leafed. What do you think? Anyone have a planted betta tank?
anyone correct me if im wrong but i thought bettas loved planted tanks? they like lying on top of big leaf'd plants, i know that. i think they'll be fine, and im sure that they'll love having loads of plants :thumbs: :D
My betta is in a planted tank, so he can hide away and chill out if any of the other fish annoy him :)
Good luck with everything ;)
Hey loopyness, you need to get a 'Marlin', I also have a 'Flame' he just not on my signature yet.
Tanks for the reasurrance, I'll have the 10 gal this weekend and it set up next week. The boys will love it I'm sure!
I already have a buyer for my 2.5 gallons, I think thats a good thing, otherwise I would be tempted to buy more bettas, and then another 10 gal to put them in, and then more bettas, and then...
well i posted something a while ago, and im going to have to get rid of some of my fish, because i have no where else to put them and i cant afford a new tank for while, so nemo and tigger are going back to the shop, as well as the shark :sad: :-(

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