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    Hi there, A friend of mine has a tank with a sand base and he's got a pretty big BN plec in there, had it running about 8month. All seems well with the plec. x
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    Dalmation Molly

    Hi, I have got a 90litre tank with 3 zebra danios, 2 flying fox, 2 dalmaion mollies and one sunset platy. the tank as been set up for about 2 months now, temp 26c One of my dalmation mollies has a swolen eye and keeps sinking to the bottom of the tank, he appears to be having difficulty...
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    Zebra Danio With White Gash On Tail

    That sounds like a good idea. Try and make sure your not giving them too much food that they leave it, this can cause nitrite levels to be a bit higher that normal. (just throwing ideas out there) Hope the treatment works and he gets better soon. Good luck chris
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    Zebra Danio With White Gash On Tail

    This does not look like a wound, this looks like an infection. More than likely due to poor water quality. Im not sure what it is exactly. But i would try and get some ulcer treatment to add to your tank water when you do a water change (check instructions for doseage) this is what it looks most...
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    Zebra Danio With White Gash On Tail

    I would certainly do more that a 15% water change on your tank, around a 30% water change on a tank your size would be better. Try and get your water results on here for more help and a diagnostic. Seen as there is only Danios in your tank it is unlikely the wound came after entering your...
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    Bn Plec Not Eating

    Hi, I think the reason he isn't showing much interest in the new wood is because it is new its totally clean and has no algae for him to nibble on. It sounds like he doesn't appreciate all the changes to the tank and is maybe why he is off his food. Think it might be a good idea to give him...
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    Bloated Goldfish, With Lump!

    I have put a fluval 2 filter in the tank, which is blowing bubbles into the water which the smaller fluval could'nt do. I have done a wter change and added sum ulser and fin rot meds. I have noticed the white on the lump has gone and the lump is smaller today. When i got the 2 fish from pets...
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    Bloated Goldfish, With Lump!

    Its getting worse, the lump now looks like a white spot, as if you could sqeez it. It has sum white fluff looking strands from it aswell, only really small amounts. She still seems ok tho, not laying on the bottom much at all and not gasping at the surface. What now? Please help.
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    Bloated Goldfish, With Lump!

    Is 25 gallon 113litre? Surely that cant be right for 2 gold fish? I feed them on aquarian goldfish flake. Tetra test 5in1 results as follows: Nitate is 100 Nitrite 5 Genral hardness 10 Carbonate hardness 3 PH 7
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    Bloated Goldfish, With Lump!

    Hi, i have got 2 small fantail gold fish (one pink one orange) The pink goldy has become really fat over the last couple of days and then yesterday i notices a lump on the side. Its about as big as a pink head. The fish are in a 30liter aqua one tank with a fluval1 filter temp 21c. They have...
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    Tank Water Off Colour

    I have recently set up a 90litre fluval tank. Is houses 3 danio's and 2 dalmation mollies at present. The tank has only been set up about 3 weeks, has bog wood, live plnts and stones, temp 26c. All seems fine, fish looking healthy and active, eating well as usual. When i came home from...
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    Neon Tetra

    Thanks for your reply. Think ill get a few in a week or 2.
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    Neon Tetra

    Hi, i am currently keeping 2 flying fox, 2 dalmation mollies and 3 zebra danio in a 60litre tank. I am in the process of cycling a 90litre tank, which i intend on transfering the fish from the 60litre into I have never kept tetra before and i cant see them been too difficult to keep but as i...
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    Tropical And Goldfish!?

    Hi, I have been keeping 2 fan tail gold fish (around 2.5" in size) in a tropical set up (kept at 25c, which is suitable for cold water fish and some tropical) for almost a year now. They are more that happy, they eat just as much as the others (3 zebra danio, 2 flying fox, 2 mollies, and a...
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    Male Guppy's Tail Has Disappeared!

    What other fish do you have in the tank? If you have any think that likes to nip fins this could be the reason for the guppys tail to have gone and also the female guppy could have been getting niped which can cause real stress which in turn can result in death. Most common fin nippers i would...
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    Bubble Molly

    Hi, If you have got male mollies in your tank then ur other mollie has a good chance of been pregnent. If she looks health and is swimming around and eating ok her big belly should'nt be a sign of illness. Chances are she is pregnent. You wont know for certain untill she gives birth though. If...
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    Dalmation Molly

    I made a post on here only a cuple of weeks ago saying the exact same thing just about. my dalmation mollie lost almost all its white bits and is now almost compleatly black. i have 2 and they are both really actve and seem happy enough. :rolleyes:
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    Dalmation Molly

    No it has always been in the tank it is in now. I cant understand it?
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    Danio Ready To Burst!

    They are eating ok ye. If it is full of eggs how long would she hold them for? It has been like it for a little while, i have 8 fish in the tank (60 litre) all small fish, mollies, danios, flying fox ect. I really dont ant my fish to be poorly :sad:
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    Dalmation Molly

    Hi there Ihave 2 dalmation mollies. One mostly white with black patches and the other mostly black with white patches. The black molly seems to have lost most of the white on its body, is this normal? Many Thanks x :good:
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    Danio Ready To Burst!

    I have 3 Small Zebra Danios. One of which has a Huge belly!! I know the fish can't Be pregnant so what is wrong with it. The other 2 are normal looking an so are the rest of the fish in their. The Fat Danio does not seem sick in any way, it swims around with the rest of them and is livlyalso...
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    Snail Eater

    Cheeky Bugers!! I was well shocked when i found my first one, I was like :/ Did i buy that?? I dont really mind them but i really dont want any more. I dont want to kill though and i doubt they'l live out side on my garden :unsure: Do they get big?
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    Neons And Flying Fox

    Hmm... I see. I never thought of that but i do often (3 times a week) but an algae waffer in my tank, which i was intending going to my plec but i bet the fox are nibbeling on it aswell. They love cucumber too i noticed :good: Glad you got the information you needed anyway, hope your fishies...
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    Snail Eater

    Hi, The snails you are talking about, i believe i have got them aswell. I noticed one the other week when i was cleaning out my tank, i did'nt really know were it had come from but i did'nt want to kill it so i left it in the tank. Then about 2 week after i saw the same snail with another one...
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    Green Barb Unwell

    I am currently keeping 3 tiger barbs and one green barb in a 30litre tank (temp 27c) we had two green barbs but one recently died and dissapeared, now the remaining green barb has gone a dark colour and also has developed a thiner shaped body. He looks very unwell, spending most of his time at...
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    Dead Fish

    Hi There, one things that pops into my head is the guppies having large colourful tails, the tiger barbs will have more than likly been fin nipping them. The stress of this can easily kill a fish. I once had 2 grean barbs (for about 3hours!) Ther wanted to nip everything they could catch, i gave...
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    Should I Get A Molly Or Is That A Bad Idea?

    Hiya, I have 2 dalmation mollies, also 3 danio's. i find the molliess to be the most peace full and unagressive fish iv had. My danio's chase each other around and my flyig fox have a odd chase around the tank, but the mollys just happily swim around with everything and dont bother any of them...
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    Neons And Flying Fox

    I havent found my flying fox to be agressive ether. What are the Chinese algi eaters?
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    Neons And Flying Fox

    I find most barbs to me nasty fish, they just want to attact everythig in sight! The plec i got can only grow ip to 6cm so i think im safe. :good: The problem with fish is they usualy want the whole tank to them self. lol greedy fish. :rolleyes:
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    Fish Eggs?

    Please Guys, any help is welcom x
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    Neons And Flying Fox

    Hello, I also have 2 Flying Fox. I find them not to bully any thing else but often give each other a chase around the tank. My plec seems to keep them in line though i think, if they wonder too close to his log he will shoo them off pretty quik. Not much help i kno, sorry :blush:
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    Fish Eggs?

    I have just done a water change on my tank, i moved an object to get around it with the syphon and noticed something on it, i pulled it up and saw what i can only discribe as really tiny frog spawn. Are these fish eggs and if so will i have killed them by removing them from water. thnkyou, any...
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    Are My Fish Pregnant?

    I have just this minuet finished doing a water change on my tank. As i moved an orniment i noticed something under it, i pulled it out an it was what i can only discribe as very very small frog spawn. are these fish eggs and if so will i have killed them by taking them out of the water!? thanx
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    Are My Fish Pregnant?

    Hi, I have 3 zebra danios which I beleive that one of them is male and the others are female (cant be too sure though). I have been told a way to determin the sex of a danio by the colour between the blue lines on its body (male=gold?, female = silver?), does anybody know if this is true...
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    Centre Piece

    I think most of it is just what you like to look at, my tank has a very natural look, no orniment or artificial things. Just lots of fress plants of a variety of greens and reds mainly (which the fish love to swim in and around) a very large piece of bog wood in the middle (i guess that is my...
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    Fish Tank Leaking! Please Help.

    Get a new tank, like soon. I dont think theres much you can do if its cracked.
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    Algae Eaters

    Thankyou for your coments. I guess i wont be getting otto's any times soon as i dont intend to get rid of my fantails untill they have over grown my tank. I Wout really like a small plec, I know they can grow up to 4" but i dont think that would be a problem in my tank as it is no were near over...
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    120 Littre Tank What Fish Are Nice

    Most Barbs are nasty for fin nipping other fish not only fish with long fins but anything it comes across (in my experiance) i had 2 green barbs which woluld chase my little danio's and fin nip my fan tails. They had to go!! My boyfriend keeps tiger barbs soi gave them to him. The tiger barbs...
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    Algae Eaters

    Thankyou "old Man" for your information. I have googled the otto's and like you said they are in the pet shops and i have seen them but there not a fish that sticks in your mind because they are not as active as most. Could i ask you a few more questions about them? 1. do they prefer to be...