Dalmation Molly

Queen oF The Gravel

New Member
Mar 5, 2008
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Hi there

Ihave 2 dalmation mollies. One mostly white with black patches and the other mostly black with white patches.

The black molly seems to have lost most of the white on its body, is this normal?

Many Thanks x :good:
As mollies get older its quite normal for their colurs to change. I have some mollies that are born white and stay white and some that are born white and gradually darken over time. I cant predict which ones but i wouldnt worry about this-Ive bred loads of mollies and they all change to a degree-some more than others. Some of my mollies get some yellow in them too!
I had one that did exactly that too...The degree of blackness on this tyoe of molly is indefinate and varys betwenn individuals and so the chances are he was still only developing his colour and still had more black to grow yet.
I wouldn't worry about it...theres nothing wrong with him particulaly!

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