Bloated Goldfish, With Lump!

Queen oF The Gravel

New Member
Mar 5, 2008
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Hi, i have got 2 small fantail gold fish (one pink one orange)

The pink goldy has become really fat over the last couple of days and then yesterday i notices a lump on the side. Its about as big as a pink head.

The fish are in a 30liter aqua one tank with a fluval1 filter temp 21c. They have recently been moved into this tank a few weeks ago due to lack of space. i have had these 2 fish since february this year.

She is still totaly active and eating well. The orange fish has no simular simptoms.

She basicly looks like she needs a big poo!

any halp much apreciated. x
First goldfish alone needs 20 gallons then ten gallons for every other one added.
Fancy goldfish 15 gallons then 10 gallons for every other one added.
Massive waste producers so need double filter size to tank.

Can you post your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Your tanks overstocked.
What do you feed your fish.

Does the lump look hard or soft like filled with fluid.
Is the lump bemeath the skin or on top.
Is 25 gallon 113litre? Surely that cant be right for 2 gold fish?

I feed them on aquarian goldfish flake.

Tetra test 5in1 results as follows:

Nitate is 100

Nitrite 5

Genral hardness 10

Carbonate hardness 3

PH 7
Its getting worse, the lump now looks like a white spot, as if you could sqeez it. It has sum white fluff looking strands from it aswell, only really small amounts.

She still seems ok tho, not laying on the bottom much at all and not gasping at the surface.

What now?

Please help.
Goldifsh are massive waste producers and grow quite big thats why they need large tanks. Double filteration.
Your water stats are telling you that the nitrate reading very high also the nitrite reading.
What your ammonia reading.
Immediate water change and gravel vac.
Check filter sponges to see if there really mucked up as one sponge wants squeezing in old tank water.
I would add a bacterial med and rehome them if they recover.
Extra aeration in the tank with the med as it reduces 02 in the water.
Not surprised there gasping as water quality is bad.
The fish are suffering in that tank size.
I have put a fluval 2 filter in the tank, which is blowing bubbles into the water which the smaller fluval could'nt do. I have done a wter change and added sum ulser and fin rot meds.

I have noticed the white on the lump has gone and the lump is smaller today.

When i got the 2 fish from pets at home the guy told me for fancy gold fish you need 18litres for one and 10litres for any addtional fish. The fish arnt very big at all and they do seem to have plenty of room to swim, i havent got the space to upgrade them to a bigger tank as i have a 90litre tropical tank also.

I do a 30% water chance on my gold fish every week.

The test kit i have dose not do an amonia reading. Just the 5 things i listed.


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