Zebra Danio With White Gash On Tail


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
Just added 5 zeb danios after my tank had stabilized. It appears that 1 of these 5 has a white looking wound before it's tail starts. Could this be a fungal infection?

Tank size: 120l
pH: 8
(will give more info tomorrow)
ammonia: -
nitrite: -
nitrate: -
tank temp: 26C

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): White wound on tail. Generally not that active, floats about near the top. Has 1 white spot on opposite side - just noticed

Volume and Frequency of water changes:
120l, with a 15% water change weakly.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
No chem additives, but usual media.

Tank inhabitants:
5 plants (could of come with these), 5 zebra danios

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
5 plants + zeb danios

Exposure to chemicals:

I have no where to quarantine the fish, so I am worried about the other fish....

Please help
I would certainly do more that a 15% water change on your tank, around a 30% water change on a tank your size would be better.

Try and get your water results on here for more help and a diagnostic.

Seen as there is only Danios in your tank it is unlikely the wound came after entering your tank, it could be that the fish was injured before it got to you. I would have thought some thing bigger might av got hold of it, or it could have had a fight for food amongst tank mates.
I'm not sure whether it is a wound, or whether it is a bacterial infection. Is this contagious to other fish?
Just observing the danio now, it seems to be behaving as normal. I'm about to do a 30% water change now, and I will upload a picture with my next post.

Still unsure what to do with the fish. Sure hope it isn't contagious to my other fish.
does no one really have any clue as to what this is...? The fish is just trying to stay still in the water, and is always hidden in plants or near bog wood.
This does not look like a wound, this looks like an infection. More than likely due to poor water quality. Im not sure what it is exactly. But i would try and get some ulcer treatment to add to your tank water when you do a water change (check instructions for doseage) this is what it looks most like to me. And maybe to a water change twice a week for a few weeks and see how it goes.

Sorry i cant be of more help.
Thanks for replying

I agree that it does look like an infection, but looking at my water quality now, it all seems fine.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 6

Nevertheless, I will still perform 2 water changes a week, and see how it goes. Will see if I can get hold of some treatment tomorrow.
That sounds like a good idea.

Try and make sure your not giving them too much food that they leave it, this can cause nitrite levels to be a bit higher that normal. (just throwing ideas out there)

Hope the treatment works and he gets better soon.

Good luck chris

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