Neons And Flying Fox


New Member
Apr 23, 2008
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Do neons and flying foxs get along? I had one neon with a gash in it and it dyed. I have just seen another one that as a gash on it. I have only seen the flying fox go after the neons racing at them. I do have garamis but they dont seem not to bother the neons at all.
Do neons and flying foxs get along? I had one neon with a gash in it and it dyed. I have just seen another one that as a gash on it. I have only seen the flying fox go after the neons racing at them. I do have garamis but they dont seem not to bother the neons at all.
flying fox's AKA Siamese algea eaters can be aggressive, and yes probly will attack neons,
big gouramis will also attack neons. What sort of gouramis do you have?
big gouramis will also attack neons. What sort of gouramis do you have?
I have 8 big garamis, 10 neons 1 rainbow fish I think he is, 1 flying fox. Only the flying fox I have seen going for the neons. I have also seen them attacking each other. But I have never seen the garamis going for the neons I must say.
Hello, I also have 2 Flying Fox. I find them not to bully any thing else but often give each other a chase around the tank. My plec seems to keep them in line though i think, if they wonder too close to his log he will shoo them off pretty quik.

Not much help i kno, sorry :blush:
Hello, I also have 2 Flying Fox. I find them not to bully any thing else but often give each other a chase around the tank. My plec seems to keep them in line though i think, if they wonder too close to his log he will shoo them off pretty quik.

Not much help i kno, sorry :blush:
We use to have a plec but sadly he dyed. :sad: We put tigar barbs in the tank hell broke loss and we lost 7 fish all in all. :blink: I think they are ugly fish and if you are not careful you could buy a plec that will grow so big they will take over the tank. :X Its mad how fish fight you think of fish and lovely peaceful things! But we have found out they are not not really! :angry:
I find most barbs to me nasty fish, they just want to attact everythig in sight! The plec i got can only grow ip to 6cm so i think im safe. :good:

The problem with fish is they usualy want the whole tank to them self. lol greedy fish.

The flying fox is different from the SAE ( they do look very similar). My experience has been that they are both quite peaceful fish and although they will playfully chase smaller fish for very short distances I have never had them actually hurt or kill any. I have found the Chinese algae eater to be more aggressive.
I havent found my flying fox to be agressive ether. What are the Chinese algi eaters?
My flying fox is defo the one gashing my neons he also as a nibble at the garamis. I am not sure if hes cleaning them thou is this possible? If I got a clown lurch again and they paired up would this stop his aggression. I use to have a flying fox and lurch before and they was always together......
I havent found my flying fox to be agressive ether. What are the Chinese algi eaters?
My flying fox is defo the one gashing my neons he also as a nibble at the garamis. I am not sure if hes cleaning them thou is this possible? If I got a clown lurch again and they paired up would this stop his aggression. I use to have a flying fox and lurch before and they was always together......
Hi there I have been on the live chat and got the information I needed. Even thou it was hard to get much sense from them at first I got there in the end. My flying fox needs to be feed on different food to the others. He needs to get algee eaters food so he gets the right nutritions. This should stop him gashing my neons.
Hmm... I see. I never thought of that but i do often (3 times a week) but an algae waffer in my tank, which i was intending going to my plec but i bet the fox are nibbeling on it aswell. They love cucumber too i noticed :good:

Glad you got the information you needed anyway, hope your fishies all get along now.

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