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  1. K

    My Corys

    Perhaps it's just me, but your adolphi look like duplicarius.
  2. K

    Cory Lifespan

    Sorry, I didn't mean my fish. I just looked up their lifespan on Wikipedia.
  3. K

    Worms And Cories

    I wouldn't, since Malawi for the most part eat vegetable-type matter. Perhaps maybe once in a while.
  4. K

    Cory Lifespan

    Some have lived for +20 years.
  5. K

    Do Corys Need A Lot Of Flat Surface Area?

    Definitely you could fit six cories in there.
  6. K

    Who Is This Not So Little Fella?

    It's a little hard to see, but I think it is a C. sodalis. The dorsal is irregularly marked, compared to C. reticulatus's blotch.
  7. K

    An Exciting Rare Cory To Get - Give Me Some Ideas Please

    I've recently obtained 5 C. CW009 and 5 C. erhardti, and I would reccomend either to you.
  8. K

    Pictures Of Cories

    Bee Shrimp. The wild form of the infamous/famous Crystal Red Shrimp.
  9. K

    Cory Shoaling?

    They prefer to shoal with their own species.
  10. K

    Smiling-habrosus Cory

    Congrats on the new fish!
  11. K

    Cory Info For Beginners;results=100 Not really "almost all".
  12. K

    Cory Info For Beginners

    Not all of them get up to 3 in.
  13. K

    Pygmy Corys - In Community Tank

    While it would be possible to have larger cories and not cause aggression, the tank would be overstocked. I'd say to wait for an upgrade to a 20g first.
  14. K

    Pygmy Corys - In Community Tank

    They wouldn't do well with the gourami.
  15. K

    Most Expensive/rare Cory

    How much does C. narcissus cost?
  16. K

    Panda Cory

    Actually, it's more likely that they will go to a water treatment plant than a watershed.
  17. K

    Who Are We?

    The one you think is C. trilineatus looks like C. sodalis to me. I'm not sure about the one you are asking about, unfortunately.
  18. K

    Injured Cory

    If it some sort of injury, likely clean water will be enough to fix it.
  19. K

    Is My Bronze Corie Pregnant?

    She is gravid. Cories are not livebearers and therefore cannot be "pregnant". She is very good-looking.
  20. K


    Remember to vaccum the gravel first before switching to sand.
  21. K

    Anyone Know How To Take Care Of Just Hatch Corydoras

    C. trilineatus.
  22. K

    Cory Id Please

    Wasn't C. schwartzi already disproven?
  23. K

    Unusual Clown Loach Behaviour

    What size is the tank?
  24. K

    Wen Trimming

    IMO wen trims should only be undertaken if the wen has started to cover the operculum of the gills.
  25. K

    Colony Tank?

    How do you get the fry to survive?
  26. K

    How Long Are Misquito Fish Pregnant

    Likely both. The one with the big belly sounds gravid and the other sounds like it has a gravid spot. By the way, you posted this in the wrong section. This should go in the "Livebearers" section.
  27. K

    Albino Corie Bottom Whiskers Disapered

    I would blame the sand, as Ive heard Taihitian Moon is fairly coarse.
  28. K

    Colony Tank?

    Would it only work with the pygmy species?
  29. K

    Colony Tank?

    I subscribe to Tropical Fish Hobbyist, and in one of the recent issues there was an article on single-species colony tanks. Is it possible to do this with cories?
  30. K

    How Much Do You Pay For Corys?

    You may want to up your number of clown loaches to 6, as they are a schooling fish as well. As for breeding Sterbai, try this link.
  31. K

    How Much Do You Pay For Corys?

    I think you mean Shultzei.
  32. K

    How Much Do You Pay For Corys?

    The price for panda in my area really fluctuates. The lowest is 4$, but most places will be 6-13$. Paleatus and aeneus cost 2-5$. Sterbai cost 5-7$. Trilineatus tends to cost form 3-8$.
  33. K

    Czech White Pandas?

    I too think that the balloons/short-bodied are very creepy.
  34. K

    Czech White Pandas?

    I was looking around this website when I saw some pics of completely white pandas (not albino because there isnt a red eye). Anyone know who developed this strain, whether it is dominant or recessive, or where to get them?
  35. K

    Hyper Corys?

    They all look like aeneus to me. They don't seem to have the correct head shape that my sterbai have, nor the deep orange pectoral or pelvic fins. Also to note, aeneus is a very variable species, and colors can be from yellow to pink. If you are adding more cories to your 15 gal, I would...
  36. K

    How Many Cories

    I would suggest getting a school of solely Albino cories. I don't believe a 15 gallon can house two or three seperate schools, and since you already have one albino, that should be the largest priority.
  37. K

    Why Did My Panda Corries Die?

    In my opinion, you may want to step up water changes. 40ppm seems a little high
  38. K

    Cory Spawning/egg Collection

    Or you can leave the eggs in the tank and move the fish.
  39. K

    What The Most Attractive Corydoras?

    Anything from the Elegans Complex.
  40. K

    Should I Get Some Corries?

    Get the normal ones. A general rule I have is big fish do not go well with small fish, with a few exceptions.