Cory Lifespan


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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just ot of curiosity whats the average life expectency for a cory?
great stuff. we still have 4 of our original corys from when we 1st got a tank about 13 or 14 months ago and were trying to work out if they were old or not .
I bought a group of 5 C. schultzei (black) in June 2005. They were fully matured and spawning when I got them, but I don't know their exact age. Every one of them is still alive and healthy today.

This is them then:


And today: (sorry, it's not a very good picture)

I currently raise Corydoras Rabauti (growing out more than 200 fry as I type this, with 150 more eggs just laid today..woohoo! =). My main female in the colony ive got has been alive and spawning for more than 12 years now. Her daughter is 10 years old, and most all of my males are between 7-10 years. She is HUGE by Cory standards. Probably a good 2.5-3 inches long, and 2inches girth when shes full of eggs. I have read many websites where people talk about their Cory cats living 15-20 years or more.

I hope yours can live just as long! =)

Good luck with them!
The oldest Cory I new of was a C. aeneus that lived to the ripe old age of 42 years. I have a group of C. sterbai that are at least 18 years, a group of 4 C139's that are the same age, both are still producing viable fry and a group of C. pygmaeus that are approaching 14 years of age.

i've got a Bronzed cory that my partner had for 11 years We believe it's around 12/13 years old now...Never knew they could hit 42 ! Thats older than my mum ! lol
personally I think 42 years is a bit of a stretch. But then again crazy stuff can happen.

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