Albino Corie Bottom Whiskers Disapered


Apr 5, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
I've had my trio of albino cories in my 10 gallon for 2 months now and they all seem to have gotten on fine so far but last weekend(couldnt post up then as my laptop was broken) i was doing my daily fish check I noticed one of the little guys bottom set of whiskers has vanished...he just has the 2 that kind of stick out of the side but no more on the bottom.

Theres no redness or fungas or anything that i can see un normal just their missing. He does seem a little sad, not as active as the other ones who ive noticed have been spending most of their time runing around the sides of the glass and playing around up there more than before. Once in a while he will join them but for the most part hes just sitting on the sand looking depressed and sad.

There is no sharp objects in this tank just tahitian moon sand and live plants. Other tank mates is 1 harlequin rasbora and 4 platie fry.

Will he be okay without his whiskers and will they grow back?

I've had my trio of albino cories in my 10 gallon for 2 months now and they all seem to have gotten on fine so far but last weekend(couldnt post up then as my laptop was broken) i was doing my daily fish check I noticed one of the little guys bottom set of whiskers has vanished...he just has the 2 that kind of stick out of the side but no more on the bottom.

Theres no redness or fungas or anything that i can see un normal just their missing. He does seem a little sad, not as active as the other ones who ive noticed have been spending most of their time runing around the sides of the glass and playing around up there more than before. Once in a while he will join them but for the most part hes just sitting on the sand looking depressed and sad.

There is no sharp objects in this tank just tahitian moon sand and live plants. Other tank mates is 1 harlequin rasbora and 4 platie fry.

Will he be okay without his whiskers and will they grow back?

#whiskers lol

the corys barbels can get infected from either open sores or bacteria infection
so just sand in the tank as substrate?

whats ur water stats?

do u vacum over top of substrate?
I've had my trio of albino cories in my 10 gallon for 2 months now and they all seem to have gotten on fine so far but last weekend(couldnt post up then as my laptop was broken) i was doing my daily fish check I noticed one of the little guys bottom set of whiskers has vanished...he just has the 2 that kind of stick out of the side but no more on the bottom.

Theres no redness or fungas or anything that i can see un normal just their missing. He does seem a little sad, not as active as the other ones who ive noticed have been spending most of their time runing around the sides of the glass and playing around up there more than before. Once in a while he will join them but for the most part hes just sitting on the sand looking depressed and sad.

There is no sharp objects in this tank just tahitian moon sand and live plants. Other tank mates is 1 harlequin rasbora and 4 platie fry.

Will he be okay without his whiskers and will they grow back?

#whiskers lol

the corys barbels can get infected from either open sores or bacteria infection
so just sand in the tank as substrate?

whats ur water stats?

do u vacum over top of substrate?

lol i know there usually called barbels but since there CATfish i like to call them whiskers

ive also read about cories getting there little whiskers infected so thats why im kinda worrying a bit. No redness or fungas or any abnormal stuff just there missing.

Just sand as the substrate so i know he didnt wear them down that way and i siphon all the waste off the top of the sand so it shouldnt be from dirty sand.

umm water stats im not sure of, i have a master test kit deep down in my closet somewhere that i bought 2 years ago when i started keeping fish but ive never really had to use it....all my tanks are heavily planted so water quality should be fine and nothing new has been added... everyone else is acting normal

imma try to see if i can get a good pic right now.
I would blame the sand, as Ive heard Taihitian Moon is fairly coarse.
Hi kaisa :)

I've never heard of problems with corys and Tahitian Moon Sand. Please look at some under a magnifying glass and let me know if any of the edges appear to be sharp or if the texture looks rough.

Loss of barbels is a serious matter with corys but if all is well in the tank, and they are not completely gone, they should grow back to some extent.

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