How Much Do You Pay For Corys?


Jan 21, 2008
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lfs had bronze corys selling 3 for £10 but i dont really like the colouring and looked at Sterbai Cory which i really like
however these were 3 for £18 and as i am 13 pocket money doesn't strech £36 for 6 corys really
so was wondering what is the usual price for Sterbai corys and is there any other cheaper alternatives??????
My peppered cory's were priced at £1.75 and £1.95 from 2 different LFS.
They are by far one of my favorites!
lfs had bronze corys selling 3 for £10 but i dont really like the colouring and looked at Sterbai Cory which i really like
however these were 3 for £18 and as i am 13 pocket money doesn't strech £36 for 6 corys really
so was wondering what is the usual price for Sterbai corys and is there any other cheaper alternatives??????

sterbai round here sellfor anythink from £6-£12 dependant on age and size so 3 for £18 is quite an average price :)
Leopards 4 poundish
Sterbais 6 poundish
Adolphos 6 ish
Skunks 6 ish
i find emerald or green cories are a good buy normally and look great.
The price for panda in my area really fluctuates. The lowest is 4$, but most places will be 6-13$.
Paleatus and aeneus cost 2-5$. Sterbai cost 5-7$. Trilineatus tends to cost form 3-8$.
they were sold as black cories, i cant get an ID for them now as i dont have them anymore, i took them back to the LFS. i wasnt happy with the quality of them
pygmy corys £1 each from my local maidenhead aquatics they are really cute little guys and you can keep quite a few in a smallish tank
i have 15 living very happily in my 55ltr hex
Well i paid 1.25 for each albino cory, which were 2-3inch at the time.. I think they cool =]

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