Unusual Clown Loach Behaviour

Jazee B

Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2008
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Hi everyone.

I need a bit of advice please. I have had a pair of clown loach for almost a year now. Now I know what you'll all say that I should have more, I did originally have 3 but 1 died about 2 weeks after I bought them and the other 2 have been fine until tonight. They have always been friendly, swimming together, eating together they generally play nicely but tonight i noticed that they are pushing and shoving each other around, sidleling up to each other and sucking on each others mouths.

Is this usual behaviour??
i have 2 that i've had for about a year and i've never seen them do that.
I am surprised that you haven't witnessed them doing this before now? It is quite normal for them to fight in this way to determine who is the 'Alpha' or 'Top Dog'. You really MUST get another couple to accompany them if your tank is big enough, if it isn't then you should think seriously about rehoming them.
I am surprised that you haven't witnessed them doing this before now? It is quite normal for them to fight in this way to determine who is the 'Alpha' or 'Top Dog'. You really MUST get another couple to accompany them if your tank is big enough, if it isn't then you should think seriously about rehoming them.

Thank you all, for your advice I have a juwel rekord 96. 96 litres 81 x 31 x 46. I have 2 bristlenoses, 2 clowns and 15 assorted tetras could i accommodate another 2? I've kept an eye on them today they seem to be back to normal but I should imagine it won't be the end of the bickering!
96 Litres is not very big for clown loaches as they can grow to 12 inches in length.

I have just got 4 of them I have 190 litre tank and I am planning to get a bigger tank as I do not think 190 litres is big enough !

Besides I would like to get a few more there fantastic fish heck of a character :good: and yes I have seen mine siding up to each other working out who's going to be boss.

Quite a good page on Clown loaches : http://www.loaches.com/species-index/clown...ia-macracanthus
I am surprised that you haven't witnessed them doing this before now? It is quite normal for them to fight in this way to determine who is the 'Alpha' or 'Top Dog'. You really MUST get another couple to accompany them if your tank is big enough, if it isn't then you should think seriously about rehoming them.

Thank you all, for your advice I have a juwel rekord 96. 96 litres 81 x 31 x 46. I have 2 bristlenoses, 2 clowns and 15 assorted tetras could i accommodate another 2? I've kept an eye on them today they seem to be back to normal but I should imagine it won't be the end of the bickering!

Unfortunately your tank is to small for clowns, they will be fine in there as babies but will quickly outgrow it. I would say don't get any further loach for this tank, upgrade if possible. I kept my first three clowns in a 140L tank and I am sure it has stunted them as they have still not grown over 4" compared to others I have bought since which are now 6".
they lock jaws sometimes for a half a second or so to see who is the toughest and who gets to choose wat food he wants
i suppose you could get a another pair of small ones to enlarge the group, but you should consider upgrading sometime in future

if a larger tank is not possible, then stick with the two, and be prepared to rehome them
Thank you for all of your advice. I am going to look into upgrading my tank but if this is not possible I will look at re-homing them. I've not seen any more of the bickering and fighting since my original post but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
Thanks again everyone, much appreciated :D

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