Search results

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    Whats Your Favorite Marine Fish Of All Time?

    Mandarin dragonets. Despite their difficult appetite I still favor them. Oh, and sailfin tangs.
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    She Never Eats!

    Many fish do this for many different reasons commonly. However. The best way to cope is to just keep offering food (take out uneaten food after awhile). If a fish is hungry, they will eventually eat anything. It could just be from stress or something of the sort.
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    Pearl Gouramis

    My local fish store ALWAYS has many gourami types in stock. Their pearl tank has at least 25 of them currently. No, they are not rare in all places. I agree, ask to speak to a manager at whatever shop it is that you go to. They will more than likely order you something if you want it and they...
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    Need Help Combining 2 55 Gallons

    Thanks. I cant wait to get started. This is my first project like this.
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    Pregnant Guppy?

    Congrats! How many fry?
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    New Rtg Arowana

    IMO arowanas are the best freshwater fish on earth. They truely are monsters in aquarium trade. Great looking fish. :good:
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    It's not bad. Photographing fish is sometimes incredibly hard. Nice shark btw. :good:
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    New Here!

    Hey there. Welcome, and good luck with your cats! :thumbs:
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    110 Gallon

    I would recommend a spiny eel. A fire eel would do great. They are perfect for a tank of that size, just provide sufficient hiding spots. They like caves and like to burrow in sand. They will also dig under things so make sure all of your ornaments or w/e you have in the tank are on the glass...
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    What Fish For 55 Gallon Tank

    I used to keep my 15 neons in my 55 along with 8 pristella tetras and 8 serpae tetras, and some plecos as well. My tank was very heavily planted but I thought it gave it a very natural look. and if you want to fill in that extra room in your tank, throw in some live plants. Not only do they look...
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    Rena 100 Air Pump

    Any pump is quiet as long as you keep a cloth or something under it. And yeah, It's a pain having to hear pumps and stuff in the middle of the night. I have a 55 gallon cichlid tank and a 29 gallon marine tank in my bedroom. Gets kinda noisy sometimes (all the time).
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    New Piccy!

    Thats actually very nice. What size tank is it btw?
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    How Often?

    I prefer blood worms and krill for most of my fish. Live, Frozen or even dried. 2 times a day is perfect for any fish.
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    What's A Good Heater To Get?

    Is it an adjustable heater? If so, make sure you did not accidentally turn it up higher than it needs to be. Try lowering it. (sorry, I know you're not stupid). But I use junk w/e heaters like aga. I don't recommend them for being superior to any others but they get the job done.
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    Canister Filters?

    It's not that a sump is required, it's just that alot of people use them because they are a very efficient filtration system and hides most of your equipment. For a reef tank however, it is much more important to have a sump than in a fo or fowlr tank.
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    How Much Do Favite Brains Sell For?

    I thought about it but I heard that brain corals are not simple to frag it without harming it. Is this true? If this is possible then it is definetly worth a try.
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    How Much Do Favite Brains Sell For?

    I am looking to sell my 7 and a half inch piece. I'm just trying to find a price range. I will post pics soon. I got it for free as a gift awhile ago. However, I no longer have need for it.
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    Need Help Combining 2 55 Gallons

    I understand perfectly. So I should basically add as much support as possible, especially along the back. and I should be fine right.
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    Need Help Combining 2 55 Gallons

    Yeah, i am actually planning on having both tanks next to each other. I am going to make a custom stand so I can hold both tanks and the 55 gallon sump directly beneath the tanks. Does anyone have plans for a strong enough stand for these 3 tanks? And what kind of wood/materials should I use...
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    Need Help Combining 2 55 Gallons

    I am going to have them separate. I guess the general idea of doing this is quite simple. Its the same as for one tank but for two.
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    Need Help Combining 2 55 Gallons

    hey thanks guys for the info. :good: It seems I have a great deal to look into.
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    Need Help Combining 2 55 Gallons

    I have 3 55 gallon tanks. All built by AGA (not sure if they are glass or acrylic). and I wanted to somehow link 2 of them and use the third as a sump. One of them already has a custom wet/dry in it. and one of the tanks is already drilled to work with the sump/wet/dry filter. Anyone know how i...
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    ? About The Marine Sciences

    Hi guys, I am an 18 yr old enthusiast and am in the middle of my career choices. I've always wanted to get into the marine sciences as a career choice. However, out of all the research I do, I cannot seem to find the info im looking for. Let me give a job description - I want to work in a lab...
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    Looking For T-5 48"

    Hey all, I'm looking for a decent lighting system for my 55. I need it for reef life and dont have cash atm. Im just trying to sell some nitro rc cars on another web site for some money. When it sells i can send cash through money order. Or if anyone is into that hobby, let me know, and i can...
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    A Few 220 Gallon ?s

    Hey all, i just found someone who is selling a 220 gallon tank setup. Its cheap, like $500 cheap. I actually wanted this tank in my bed room. I was wondering if my floors would hold this tank. My room is on the first floor of the house. I went down in my basement and i noticed that the support...
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    Fire Eel ?

    sounds like something i can try, and if all fails I have another tank i can separate them into.
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    Rock Question

    Thanks, will do, and how would you recommend cleaning them? boiling? I know not to use any chemicals.
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    Rock Question

    Hey all! Yet another ? from me about tank setup. I want rocks in my aquarium (fresh water), and dont wanna pay hundreds of dollars for it. I am currently redoing a 55 gallon tank and am doing sand and i want to do rock. Would it be ok to go to my local wooded area and just use rocks...
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    Fire Eel ?

    I have a 55 gallon tank with a 8-9" fire eel atm, i wanted to know if it would be ok to add another spiny eel or two to the tank. Keep in mind that this tank is only temporary for these fish. I am aware of their max size and have a much larger tank for them later. Thanks
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    Spawn Beginning

    Oh we care. Hope you have more luck this time. Judging by the looks of that male. The fry would look great.
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    Breeding Yet Again. Looking For Ideas

    Hi all! I'm looking to get another spawning session going here. This will be my official 10th pair. I have a few questions. 1) I am looking to do a crowntail pair. I wanted to know if it worth internet sale with these fish. I used to sell to my lfs and locally private sale. However, my lfs...
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    Actually it is not uncommon for male bettas to wait until the actual spawning to make a nest. that is how my last spawning pair did it. I did notice however that the numbers of surviving eggs was noticeably smaller when done this way. I had around 50 fry, when my other pairs easily had 150-250...
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    Maybe Selling Arowana : (

    if all turns out bad, i can still give him away to my lfs, they said they would take him in worst case scenario. hey, if i find another large tank for cheap then maybe all will turn out well. I pray, and yeah, it is a stunning fish.
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    Maybe Selling Arowana : (

    Unfortunately my plans for my arowanas 600 gallon may not happen. He is only 8-9 inches right now. But he has doubled in size in the past month and im expecting the same next month. I've been short on cash lately. And the expected 600 tank, which i was supposed to pick up locally for a steal...
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    Is Rust Harmful For Bettas?

    Yeah, rust is harmful to anything aquatic. It's not too big of a deal until it spreads. im with wilder here on this one.
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    Betta Breeding Help

    I would take the female out fo a little while. Make sure you are feeding them well with live or freezedried shrimp or mealworms. If they havent been conditioned with lots of food and warm temperatures, they may not be "in the mood". Also, be patient, my last spawning pair took 2 days of them...
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    Weirdo Molly

    lol. funny you brought this up. I have a chinese banded shark that has been doing the EXACT same thing. he does it all week long. idk, i guess its harmless, wierd, but harmless.
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    Water Flow

    The way you have it is fine. for most fluent flow placing the filter on the left side of the tank in the northern hemisphere of the planet and right side in the southern is best. Not a problem though. I could sit here and explain my reasons for saying this but it would take a long time and it's...
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    Feeding Silver Arowana

    I have an 11 in. silver. I got him at a little smaller than yours. I started him on shimp, now hes onto krill. He likes the krill much more. occasionally i throw mealworms in too, but he mosly favors the krill.