How Often?


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Acton, London UK

Let's say you have:

3 dwarf gouramis
3 Apisto sp
7 neons

in a 54-60 Liters Tank
how often are you gonna feed them
and what alternative food aside from
Flakes are you gonna give them...

Aside from processed fish food (there are a lot of choices such as crisps, granules, etc XD)...

Any type of smaller freeze-dried, frozen, or live food works well. (Dried krill for example may be too large whole). Also, if you want the apistos to get their fair share make sure at least some of your food choices sink (they will eat from the surface if they have to, but seem to prefer catching things as they sink).

Also, my SA dwarfs love shelled peas...just cut or smush them into smaller bits before dropping into the tank.

Let's say you have:

3 dwarf gouramis
3 Apisto sp
7 neons

in a 54-60 Liters Tank
how often are you gonna feed them
and what alternative food aside from
Flakes are you gonna give them...

2 small feeding a day.
I prefer blood worms and krill for most of my fish. Live, Frozen or even dried. 2 times a day is perfect for any fish.

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