Fire Eel ?

Soul Of The Night

New Member
Jan 7, 2008
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I have a 55 gallon tank with a 8-9" fire eel atm, i wanted to know if it would be ok to add another spiny eel or two to the tank. Keep in mind that this tank is only temporary for these fish. I am aware of their max size and have a much larger tank for them later.

I have a 55 gallon tank with a 8-9" fire eel atm, i wanted to know if it would be ok to add another spiny eel or two to the tank. Keep in mind that this tank is only temporary for these fish. I am aware of their max size and have a much larger tank for them later.


I've kept two fire eels together for a a year or two now with no problem, they just tend to stay apart. However I once had a tyre track with a fire eel and the fire eel was larger and just hunted it down and killed it. It was quite vindictive in the way it did it so I guess its hit and miss
sounds like something i can try, and if all fails I have another tank i can separate them into.
larger spiney eels are territorial and this builds up as the eels age. adult eels are much more territorial as compared to juveniles. this behaviour though is not that common in smaller eel species, which tend to enjoy the company of others their own species
Hi, i've kept a fair few eel species and have 4 fire eels at present ranging in size from 12" to 18" in a 400 litre tank.
In my opinion as has already been said if they grow up together from when they're small (as 8-9" is) they should be fine and will often hold up in the same places together. However you will always get a rogue one or two that don't like company.
I would stick to the one species if possible as they tend not to get on with other spiny eels that they see as a threat (to space or food).
Therefore as you already have a fire eel i wouldn't get a tyre track, but some of the smaller species might be ok, like a zig-zag (only get to around 15cm).

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