Spawn Beginning


Fish Addict
Jul 30, 2007
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Hiding behind the aqautic plants.
Well I am spawning my male Royal blue HM with a blue-green VT female.
(Sorry for the darkness, but that was the only sufficient one I could find uploaded on the computer of him full flaring.)
I will get the pics of female asap.

Anyways, I floated the female in the breeding tank, and left her in for the night. He had a really little nest going by next morning, so this afternoon I freed her. She had Vertical bars in the container, then when I freed her I think she panicked. She had some stripes for a couple minutes, then realised the male still wanted her so she barred up again. Not too much agression so far. A split or two, but that is all so far. We will have to see how this one goes, as my last attempt the male ate all the eggs but two. One did hatch though :D Anyways, cross your fingers everyone! I will keep you updated. Even if you don't care hehe.
Oh we care. Hope you have more luck this time. Judging by the looks of that male. The fry would look great.

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