Search results

  1. Jellytot

    Where Can I Buy Pygmy Corys?

    Don't know where abouts you are in the UK but there were some pygmaeus in the Maindenhead Aquatics outside of Bristol yesterday! I got my Habrosus by asking the lfs to order them in for me though :good:
  2. Jellytot

    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    1 Glowlight Tetras 5 Black Neon Tetras 2 Dwarf Gouramis 2 Peppered Corys 1 Otocinclus 4 Panda Corys 3 Platys 2 Cory Punctatus 1 L001 Gold Spot Pleco 4 Baby Bristlenose Plecos 6 Corydoras Habrosus 3 Sparkling Gouramis Total: 32 Would have been more if not for a ridiculously persistant bout of...
  3. Jellytot

    L001 - Pterygoplichthys Joselimaianus

    Got ours for about a fiver! Was about 3" and advertised as L001 - Gold spot pleco
  4. Jellytot

    What's The Funniest Thing Your Fish Has Ever Done?

    Hehe, mine did that last night too! Except mine were a Punctatus who was determined to eat this bloodworm and the Panda was determined to get it from him. They looked so cute.
  5. Jellytot

    Pleco And Oto?

    Errrrr, not really sure what you're asking here! I have an oto, 7 corys and 1 L001 pleco in my tank and they all get on fine. If you want your fish identified try and post some pics, people of here are fab at identification!
  6. Jellytot

    Persistant Whitespot

    Well, lfs didn't have any protozin in the week (typical) so we did a larger dose of the contraspot. This seems to have done the trick. The water is at about 30C and the fish all look loads better. I am hard pressed to find any spots at the moment *touch wood*. We'll keep up the water changes...
  7. Jellytot

    Persistant Whitespot

    Thanks for the recommendation BTT! Will definately look for that one. and carbon is already out :good:
  8. Jellytot

    Persistant Whitespot

    Right, just as an update, tank is totally dismantled (we did that on Friday) and I have removed plants etc again this evening and hoovered every inch of gravel. We haven't bothered re-medicating, will wait for copper medication tomorrow. Fingers crossed that will do the trick.
  9. Jellytot

    Persistant Whitespot

    Thank you so much for your reply. The medication isn't copper based it's: 'Contra spot by Tetra (UK) Formeldehyde, Malachite green & Carbinolhydrochloride' (taken from med a to z at the top of the page). Have turned up the heat and will go to try to find copper-based med tomorrow. We've only...
  10. Jellytot

    Persistant Whitespot

    Right, so after we lost a lot of fish after the salt baths on Friday, the remaining fish have seemed much much better, could only see one or two spots so I was feeling a lot happier. So we dosed the tank on Friday with the medication (which we're only supposed to use once every 4 days) we then...
  11. Jellytot

    Pygmy Corys (corydoras Habrosus) In Glasgow

    That's such a shame! I love mine! They are fab. Can't wait til we upgrade the tank and I can get more!
  12. Jellytot

    Sparkling Gourami Care

    Mine are in a 7.5 imp gallon or 9 US gallon. There would have been 10 corys but had a couple of losses and 5 sparkings but 2 just disappeared!!
  13. Jellytot

    Blue Phantom L128

    Oh you are so lucky! Blue Phantoms are GORGEOUS! We saw one over the christmas break. Can't afford one for my tank though unfortunately. Post us some pics :)
  14. Jellytot

    Sparkling Gourami Care

    That's what I have! well 7 corys and I'm not sure about the sex of my sparklings. They all seem to get on very well. Although it's only bee an couple of weeks. Waiting to upgrade the tank and then I intend to increase the numbers of both of them, they make for a lovely tank!
  15. Jellytot

    Persistant Whitespot

    Oh, and I also meant to say, thanks for the bump sid.sarah! Really lovely of you to make sure I got some attention!!!
  16. Jellytot

    Persistant Whitespot

    Water quality is all good, even testing during the disease! We got 6 baby BNs at one of our lfs for £4.50 which I posted about in the pleco section because it was such a bargain. Turns out it was them that bought it in having gone back and seen the others in the shop had developed it. Maybe...
  17. Jellytot

    Death And Destruction

    Hi Krib12 I have nothing useful to offer you I'm afraid. I'm pretty new to fishkeeping. I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for your fish losses, we've been battleing with a particularly strong strain of whitespot while you've been dealing with your stuff so I really sympathise! Good luck...
  18. Jellytot

    Persistant Whitespot

    Thanks for the suggestions guys! I really do appreciate them. I saw that method on here when I was searching earlier actually Mav, sounds really good and we'll definately try that next time. Think we're a bit past that point now as he temp has already been up for a week! The only thing we're...
  19. Jellytot

    Persistant Whitespot

    We've been battling with whitespot for nearly two weeks now and it doesn't seem to be reducing! We got back from my boyfriend's family's on Christmas eve and found whitespot in the tank on some of the red phantoms, just a couple of spots. We already had medication in (got some as a precaution a...
  20. Jellytot

    Disappearing Fish!

    On Sunday we bought 5 sparking gouramis for my small tank. (and a rescue panda cory who had been laft on his own! he's only in there til my community tank is free of whitespot though) i had to drop my sister home so my boyfriend went and acclimatised the fish. I'd said hi to my parents so by...
  21. Jellytot

    Don't Know What Kind Of Cory I Have

    Cam you post a picture? It'll help lots with identification!
  22. Jellytot

    Gasping At Top Ov Water!

    Do a water change! 30%ish maybe? What are your water params?
  23. Jellytot

    Came Home This Morning And My Tank Water Is Very Cloudy Please Help &#

    Water change is the first thing to do! Probably about 30%? Do you have a water testing kit? What are your water params? It's could be a bacterial bloom, that can make the water look cloudy, how long has it been set up for? Oh and how big is your tank and what do you have in it?
  24. Jellytot

    White Spot

    The carbon will remove the meds from the water, so if you were medicating whilst it was still in there it wouldn't have been working properly! Good luck with yours! I'm treating mine at the moment too.
  25. Jellytot

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    Corys have fast become my favourites I think! I have so far: 2 peppered (I did have 3 but one died :( we don't know why, other than he went downhill very fast) 2 punctatus (all they had) 8 habrosus (was 10 but one managed to get into the filter and not sure about the other) 4 pandas (was 3...
  26. Jellytot

    Yes Or No?...

    Should be fine as far as I can see! I love my pandas, they are so cute. Went to a fish shop with loads in today - I wanted to take them all home!! Enjoy yours!
  27. Jellytot

    How Long Have You Been Keeping Fish?

    Angel Queen you are my fish twin! I started running my first tank then too!
  28. Jellytot

    UK Fish Store Directory

    Oh, what a shame! Maybe they've had staffing difficulties or something. Seems a shame that at this time of year when they should be selling lots for presents etc that the tank quality has been let go! Koi still looked good though!
  29. Jellytot

    UK Fish Store Directory

    Wow, really? We went to Blagdon today for the first time and weren't impressed, saw a few dead/not very happy looking fish there. Even worse was that some of the dead fish had been dead for a while, not just that day. Although I did like that they had different sized tanks for the larger fish...
  30. Jellytot

    Deal Of The Century!

    Lol, looks like I've managed to make quite an investment here! Unfortunately got back from the pub last night and 2 had died :rip: which is a real shame. They're going back later on today, see what the shop says. Not Blagdon though! It's literally right next door to Cadbury garden centre...
  31. Jellytot

    Deal Of The Century!

    Lol, I know! :lol: Just at that price how could we resist!?! We may have to but them another tank when they get a bit bigger but for now they are just fine ;)
  32. Jellytot

    Deal Of The Century!

    Went for our weekly wonder around the local fish shops today and we found a deal of 6 baby bristlenoses for £4.50!!! Absolutely crazy, we weren't looking for any but how could we pass up that offer! So if anyone fancies any and is is the South Bristol/Weston - Super - Mare area and knows where...
  33. Jellytot

    Zebra Plecs...

    Can we see more pics from anyone?? They are beautiful fish. I would absolutely love some, have to start saving the pennies though!!!
  34. Jellytot

    Cory Questions!

    Hi Inchworm, thanks for replying :) I don't think it would have been the water pressure as i used the gravel vac and a mug, but you never know! I'll keep more of an eye next time! Pale one was pale before the water change and still is. All the others are fine and no problem at all. I was...
  35. Jellytot

    Cory Questions!

    I have 8 little habrosus in a new tank and I've just done a half water change for them. Mostly they seem ok (although one is very pale and we've no idea why! All water params and behaviour are normal, any ideas?!) although I counted them afterwards and one was missing, some close inspection...
  36. Jellytot

    I'm So Excited!**pics Added**

    Thanks Sarah! They are so lovely, LFS didn't think they'd be able to get them for me but I got lucky! I was just doing research on pygmy corys i think, and found them.
  37. Jellytot

    I'm So Excited!**pics Added**

    After a couple of weeks of cycling their new tank, my habrosus are finally in their new home! Close up of one Little group together All 8 in one pic! Aren't they lovely? I love them so much! I think I might try and get 10 more for their own little tank. It would be nice to get a...
  38. Jellytot

    I'm So Excited!**pics Added**

    Thanks Rex! They are black and white so I suppose in that way they are kind of similar! They are in their new personally designed (work in progress!) home today, photos on their way...
  39. Jellytot

    I'm So Excited!**pics Added**

    Thank you, Inchworm. That's kind of you. They are still in their own little tank (a bigger one is cycling as we speak for them) and I am doing small water changes every day. The others seem to be ok so far, fingers crossed they settle better than the others. Congrats on your new one by the...
  40. Jellytot

    I'm So Excited!**pics Added**

    Well, I have lost two of my little ones in the past week :( The first was on Thursday morning when I woke up and realised the filter wasn't working, one had managed to get in the back somehow. I have just found the second one, under the filter, no external signs at all, just, obviously, very...