What's The Funniest Thing Your Fish Has Ever Done?

LOL, that gourami video is hilarious. Like he's trying to play soccar with himself or something. :lol:
my pleco waited until he was eyelevel with me when getting him out and splashed me in the face with his tail....I thought for a very brief moment i was in a monty python sketch. Oh and I had to laugh today as I added a new rock orniment to the tank while the fish were in isolation and when the were put back intoday the gouramis were scared by the big bubble that keeps forming and being released under the rock so after ten minutes of hiding they sent the little on out to check it out and as she approached gingerly a bubble came out and made her jump so she went to turn tail to hide but the biggest was right behind her and pushed her back into the bubble wall. bloody cowards sending in the littlest first. they are happily swimming thro it now mind.
Just put some meat in the tank for the crabs and other fish do like to try a bit, anyway this time mr crab got his own back lol. He ran over to the meat and picked up the whol chunk, he then climber up the heater and hid there and any fish that got to close he tryed to nip them....

Also the other crab got annoyed with the siamese fighter when it tryed to steal some and grabbed onto his tail and was lifted up into the top layers of water lol
ouch that doesnt sound very funny at all for the fish...is it wise to keep crabs with fish that have long fins? not sure i would want one hanging on my pleco risking infection and fungus etc :S
That shrimp video could have the Mission Impossible Theme!
the funniest thing... well i would have to say how my shwartz cories play tag with each other. one will tag another then the chase is on till the next tag is placed and then the game starts all over. and they will do it for about 15 minutes. i find it very amusing.
Well Just had my tank for two weeks but......

One night when me and my fiance were off to bed our Betta dived down into one of our hollow rocks and wrapped his tail around himself and went to sleep just like a little dog lol all cosy!
Tonight i was feeding the tank blood worms , one of the panda Cory's went for a worm that was way to big for it but started to eat it , along came the other panda Cory and started eating the other end of the worm , it was so funny it reminded me of that cartoon with the 2 dogs eating the one bit of spaghetti and eventually kissing lol (was it lady and the tramp??). i did try and get a picy but wasn't fast enough.
haha great post well i have this little frog thing an when i put music on in my room he gose up 2 the glass an dances with his reflectionhaha an wen the music stops he stops dead lol or wen am eatin somethin n my room all my goldies swim 2 the corner of the the tank am nearest 2 an give me the most evil looks like hey gimmi dat lol haha
Tonight i was feeding the tank blood worms , one of the panda Cory's went for a worm that was way to big for it but started to eat it , along came the other panda Cory and started eating the other end of the worm , it was so funny it reminded me of that cartoon with the 2 dogs eating the one bit of spaghetti and eventually kissing lol (was it lady and the tramp??). i did try and get a picy but wasn't fast enough.
Hehe, mine did that last night too! Except mine were a Punctatus who was determined to eat this bloodworm and the Panda was determined to get it from him. They looked so cute.

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