UK Fish Store Directory

Aquatic Rooms, Leith (Edinburgh)

Veriety- 8 all the standard and a good selection of marine/discus and a few larger tank specimins
Quality- 9 tanks were clean, no dead fish, plenty of sculpted/planted tanks to keep the fish happy
Staff- - 9 firstly, would be a 10 if not for some bloke who appeared half drunk and working there swearing at the top of his voice in front of lots of customers (with many children) on the phone to his mate behind the till. That aside, extremely knowledgable, helpful, honest.... take out the poor first impression and cannot praise these guys enough. Great prices on livestock and tanks and so helpful you could almost think they were your best friend. Have used in the past and know they have a good reputation - for me still the only place to go in Midlothian just don't go at 5pm when they are getting fired up for a night out (well not with kids anyway)

You must have been unfortunate the day you went in. Out of all the shops you visited, the Aquatic Rooms is the only one I'd buy from now. All the guys are fish keepers themselves and are very knowledgable. They are also usually very aware of kids and are generally very patient with them. They'll happily explain things in terms kids understand and have encouraged my children's interest in fish keeping. I'm sorry you had a bad experience that day, but I am sure it was out of the ordinary and I am glad it hasn't put you off using the shop.
Aquatic Rooms, Leith (Edinburgh)

Veriety- 8 all the standard and a good selection of marine/discus and a few larger tank specimins
Quality- 9 tanks were clean, no dead fish, plenty of sculpted/planted tanks to keep the fish happy
Staff- - 9 firstly, would be a 10 if not for some bloke who appeared half drunk and working there swearing at the top of his voice in front of lots of customers (with many children) on the phone to his mate behind the till. That aside, extremely knowledgable, helpful, honest.... take out the poor first impression and cannot praise these guys enough. Great prices on livestock and tanks and so helpful you could almost think they were your best friend. Have used in the past and know they have a good reputation - for me still the only place to go in Midlothian just don't go at 5pm when they are getting fired up for a night out (well not with kids anyway)

You must have been unfortunate the day you went in. Out of all the shops you visited, the Aquatic Rooms is the only one I'd buy from now. All the guys are fish keepers themselves and are very knowledgable. They are also usually very aware of kids and are generally very patient with them. They'll happily explain things in terms kids understand and have encouraged my children's interest in fish keeping. I'm sorry you had a bad experience that day, but I am sure it was out of the ordinary and I am glad it hasn't put you off using the shop.

I agree. The only thing i feel lets the shop down is their aquatic plants. They only stock bunched cabomba, elodia etc, and they also, as too many LFSs do, sell non-aquatic plants. They could really do with speaking to Tropica or something. Other than that, the shop is great. One guy in the shop, Dave, is particularly friendly and helpful.

Also, for anyone who doesn't know, the same guys have opened a new shop just between Tranent and Macmerry in East Lothian. East Lothian Aquatics they cry it. Much bigger and better than The Aquatic Rooms, although has only been open a few weeks, so tanks not yet fully stocked. I reckon it must be the biggest in Scotland!

Whilst i'm posting, i want to mention Outside Inside Aquatics in Haddington, East Lothian. Great little shop, although don't cater for marine enthusiasts. Plants by Tropica and Dennerle, a good selection of good quality fish, and often unusual fish, and the guys who own the place, Hugh and Helen, are very friendly and helpful. Well worth a look!
I agree. The only thing i feel lets the shop down is their aquatic plants. They only stock bunched cabomba, elodia etc, and they also, as too many LFSs do, sell non-aquatic plants. They could really do with speaking to Tropica or something. Other than that, the shop is great. One guy in the shop, Dave, is particularly friendly and helpful.

My tanks are quite heavily planted and I'm always up there replacing plants because...well frankly I am crap with them and generally kill 'em on a regular basis! I do love aquascaping though and like to follow George Farmers projects on the Practical Fishkeeping website. From what I read, people mostly buy the more out of the ordinary plants online and seem happy to do so. It seems to be an area you have to be quite knowledgeable and most LFS won't have these kind of skills. They'll stock the kind of easy-maintainance, low-level light plants that most average fish keepers will be happy to have in their tank.

Out of the ordinary plants are probably the only area where I'd buy online. Generally I am all for supporting your LFS. I buy almost everything I need at the Aquatic Rooms because basically I want them to stay open. Purely for selfish reasons of course - afterall, if I have a tankful of sick fish and need advice and treatment, I am not going to wait 2 days for delivery. It's worth mentioning at this point that the Aquatic Rooms do have a price match policy so you get internet prices instantly. Plus the benefit of all that knowledge and advice when you need it. And I've had them order me in something they don't stock. Not a bad deal I reckon!

I really hope they plan to keep the Leith shop going now the new shop is open. Granted it could do with a lick of paint and a bit smartening up, but it's a great shop and so handy! It's always somewhere to take the kids on a rainy, wintery Edinburgh day for a good bit of education! :lol: :lol:
I agree with and commend everything you say mate. I used to think i was crap with plants too until i realised that it wasn't me, it was the plants i was buying.

Unfortunately, some shops (not just the aquatic rooms) sell non-aquatic plants. It may be through ignorance or they may just not care, i don't know. These plants won't live under water no matter how well you care for them, they just rot slowly. The LFS doesn't bother either, they are just happy to see you back for more a few weeks later, and then a few weeks after that, and a few weeks after that.........................................

Take a trip to Outside Inside Aquatics, purely out of interest if nothing else, and you will see what i am talking about as soon as you walk into the plants section. I think you would be pleasently surprised.

All that said, i'm not knocking the aquatic rooms, it's a great shop and i have been going there since it opened. I am merely saying that it's not the best choice for planted tank enthusiasts. Otherwise, i have only good things to say about the place. :good:
Some from round the South West UK area that I have visited: (To the admins - feel free to edit down, I do tend to waffle a little LOL)

Maidenhead Aquatics (Wyevale Garden Centre), Brislington, Bristol.

Variety - 10 (Tropical Freshwater), not sure on Sea fish personally, though they do stock them. Good selection and very well stocked, you are unlikely to feel obliged to take the last "extra" fish as there was plenty to go round of everything. All sizes catered for too from youngish to more elderly fish of large size.
Quality - 10. All fish looking very healthy that I could tell. Crystal clear water, impeccably clean tanks and not a dead fish in sight anywhere I could find.
Staff - 10. Very much in the background in the tank area but there if you needed them. Seemed to be handing out good advise to customers who asked for fish before opening up the tanks etc. Staff on till area very helpful and polite too and its really a seperately run shop from the garden centre which has its own tills/staff etc.
Other Notes - Good range of tanks, live plants and accessories though seem to be limited to just a couple of suppliers on show for everything. Carries good range of frozen too. Little pricey on some things I noted though - frozen food and substrates for example.

Norton Aquatics - Midsomer Norton, Nr Bath

Variety - 8 (Tropical Freshwater), also stocks Marine. Selection is pretty decent, lot of community stock and some oddballs too. Sizes of fish though are pretty much juniors throughout the range, no older/bigger fish.
Quality - 6. I have had quite a lot of my fish from them over the time I have been keeping. My silver dollars (which the missus got me) came looking very sorry for themselves with tattered tails. Clown loach I got showed signs of itch within days of getting them home and died soon. My Mollies have been very healthy though. More hit and miss than anything really.
Staff - Varies between 9 to 2 - Young lad who works down there is passionate about the hobby, knows just about anything you want to ask him. Owner on the otherhand is a miserable SOB and can range from helpful to unapproachable at times, also doesn't seem to follow the law regarding smoking inside either, the place can be like walking into a pub some days and is not pleasant if going down with the kids or anything.
Other Notes - Good range of live plants, largely Tetra foods but does carry good range of frozen. Tanks from good range of suppliers but mainly the smaller ones to take home, though willing to order in. Seems to be open/closed at complete random times so can be tricky to plan a visit.

Blagdon Water Gardens, Upper Langford, Somerset

Variety - 10 (Stocks tropical, coldwater and pond koi etc). The place carries a huge range of fish, though specializes in outdoor Koi and the like really. Tropical section is good with standard community and oddballs of various ages/sizes too.
Quality - 10 - Some real good looking fish, very healthy and nicely setup tanks. BUT they should be because they are about the most expensive shop I have been to. IIRC the fish where approximately twice the price of the others above ... minimum!
Staff - N/A - I was about the only person in the store the day I visited and that was for equipment rather than fish so didn't speak or hear anyone except the cashiers
Other Notes - HUGE range of accessories and tanks. The premises is also huge and even has a coffee shop too and good parking facilities.

Pets Corner, Midsomer Norton, Nr Bath

Variety - 3. Few tanks (IIRC only about 6-8 tanks, single species each. Half usually empty or housing "not for sale" fish). Single sizes/age ranges
Quality - 8- Another of my local places and the fish have all been very healthy. All look well kept, no floaters, though the fish general area is a little grubby/worn looking IMO.
Staff - 5 - They are helpful and polite, but mainly they are a pet shop and don't really "talk fish". One of the staff does seem to know a little more and is very helpful...but only if they are about.
Other Notes - They also carry a range of substrates, live plants and good selection of medicines. They do good prices on Juwel tanks and on (if its your thing) Biorb/Biube stuff.

Pets@Home - Brislington, Bristol

Variety - 7 - Good range but "one size" of fish. Mainly community stock with few oddballs though do stock some inverts.
Quality - 7 - Bought a few fish from them personally, mostly surviving still today but a few losses within a few days of getting them home.
Staff - 2 - while one seemed good on the surface regarding stocking quantities for shoaling etc , they sent me home with two plecs for a 80 litre tank when I was starting out and a n00b. Would only recommend if you know what you are after.
Other Notes - Great range of everything really. Tanks galore, accessories, frozen food and silly plastic fashion tat. Do a range of buy X amount of fish for a fiver...just like tins of beans at the supermarket LOL

Pets@Home - Trowbridge

Variety - 7 - As above really, carry the same fish throughout the chain I think and same pricing etc...
Quality - MINUS 10!!! - AVOID, AVOID, AVOID - On two completely separate visits (we go for other dog/cat stuff regularly and I always look at the fish ) they appear to have lost the top right hand side of their display tank setup and it was full of floating dead fish. On querying it with the member of staff he said that they had some filter problems in that part of the display. So...why not move them to the empty tanks in other areas which do not have filter problems?!??! And why on the second visit a few weeks later, was the filter and dead fish issue still not rectified and appeared to be spreading to other "levels" of the tank arrangement on the right hand side???
Staff - 0 - Either do not care or do not understand. I really think the only thing stopping them moving the fish was the having to re-price label them.
Other Notes - usual good range of tanks and accessories but would be VERY hard pushed to recommend them for fish buying to anyone other than those on a rescue mission.

Maidenhead and Blagdon are now on my regular visit list and would be hard pushed I think to better them.
Take a trip to Outside Inside Aquatics, purely out of interest if nothing else, and you will see what i am talking about as soon as you walk into the plants section. I think you would be pleasently surprised.

Thanks - I'll take a trip down and have a look. Actually I'll probably head down that way and find the new East Lothian Aquatics place too. Nice day out - but I have a funny feeling it could turn into an expensive day out!!

I need to read up on plants a bit more. Never sure whether to unwrap them or shove them in lead weights and all....but that's probably for a different thread.

Cheers :good:
Hiya. Got to agree with BTT. Inside Outside aquatic in Haddington are fantastic for plants, (nothing but the best).

The new aquatics in Macmerry, would def recommend, PHIL (THE OWNER) is getting new fish in every week and has said that after the year he is getting all tanks/plants all stocked up.

they have the biggest selection of tanks i have ever seen, he also price matches everything in stock.

Very child friendly, Easy Parking, Drinks facilities, Knowledgable staff.

A BIG 10/10 FOR ME

Zoe :good:
I'll add my tuppence worth.

WhiteHall Garden Centre (Just outside Chippenham)

Variety = 7 Not too bad with FW and SW fish

Quality = 4 Tanks aren't regularly checked and have overheating problems in summer.

Staff = 3 The staff are helpful, but :
A). Don't know enough about fish to keep the fish healthy
B ). Rather rude if you suggest the their fishkeeping is not perfect
C). Put fish of conflicting species in the same tanks and overstock their tanks.
D). Don't know enough to answer basic Q's about fish disease and treatments

Strangely enough though, because they don't have a high demand on SW fish, their SW section is quite healthy.
Blagdon Water Gardens, Upper Langford, Somerset

Variety - 10 (Stocks tropical, coldwater and pond koi etc). The place carries a huge range of fish, though specializes in outdoor Koi and the like really. Tropical section is good with standard community and oddballs of various ages/sizes too.
Quality - 10 - Some real good looking fish, very healthy and nicely setup tanks. BUT they should be because they are about the most expensive shop I have been to. IIRC the fish where approximately twice the price of the others above ... minimum!
Staff - N/A - I was about the only person in the store the day I visited and that was for equipment rather than fish so didn't speak or hear anyone except the cashiers
Other Notes - HUGE range of accessories and tanks. The premises is also huge and even has a coffee shop too and good parking facilities.
Wow, really? We went to Blagdon today for the first time and weren't impressed, saw a few dead/not very happy looking fish there. Even worse was that some of the dead fish had been dead for a while, not just that day. Although I did like that they had different sized tanks for the larger fish instead of a 'uniform' set like most places. Good selection of dry goods though.

I think we've seen both the other 'Roundtrees' garden centres (Congesbury and Tickenham) looking better quality than Blagdon. Although those seem to be suffering a little from laziness the last couple of times we've been too.

Will definately look at Maidenhead Aquatics for a trip out though, thanks for the recommendation!
Wow, really? We went to Blagdon today for the first time and weren't impressed, saw a few dead/not very happy looking fish there. Even worse was that some of the dead fish had been dead for a while, not just that day. Although I did like that they had different sized tanks for the larger fish instead of a 'uniform' set like most places. Good selection of dry goods though.

I think we've seen both the other 'Roundtrees' garden centres (Congesbury and Tickenham) looking better quality than Blagdon. Although those seem to be suffering a little from laziness the last couple of times we've been too.

Will definately look at Maidenhead Aquatics for a trip out though, thanks for the recommendation!

It may be down to who is in/time of year etc then, was looking good about 3 months ago when I went in summer.
It may be down to who is in/time of year etc then, was looking good about 3 months ago when I went in summer.
Oh, what a shame! Maybe they've had staffing difficulties or something. Seems a shame that at this time of year when they should be selling lots for presents etc that the tank quality has been let go!

Koi still looked good though!
I agree with and commend everything you say mate. I used to think i was crap with plants too until i realised that it wasn't me, it was the plants i was buying.

Unfortunately, some shops (not just the aquatic rooms) sell non-aquatic plants. It may be through ignorance or they may just not care, i don't know. These plants won't live under water no matter how well you care for them, they just rot slowly. The LFS doesn't bother either, they are just happy to see you back for more a few weeks later, and then a few weeks after that, and a few weeks after that.........................................

Take a trip to Outside Inside Aquatics, purely out of interest if nothing else, and you will see what i am talking about as soon as you walk into the plants section. I think you would be pleasently surprised.

All that said, i'm not knocking the aquatic rooms, it's a great shop and i have been going there since it opened. I am merely saying that it's not the best choice for planted tank enthusiasts. Otherwise, i have only good things to say about the place. :good:

Good post and your quite correct in everything you say. Few years ago we tried to sell true-aquatic plants only, we were heavily critised for lack of selection? There are a lot of people who when you tell them there is little or no chance of their plant growing they still want them, its kind of like someone buying cut flowers, they want that colour, look fix now. Many of the non aquatic plants like dresenia are used in a half and half biotopes where they can flourish.

I take your point very few shops pay enough attention to the choice and quality of their plants, its something I intend to address @ both stores.
I look forward to it Phil. (I assume you are Phil, if not i apoligise)

Cheers and Merry Xmas

I take your point very few shops pay enough attention to the choice and quality of their plants, its something I intend to address @ both stores.

That'll be great! I know that there isn't much space in the Leith shop, but a nicely planted display tank showing what's possible would give some inspiration. When I first started keeping fish, your handout on tank cycling was very handy. When I decided to chuck the plastic plants and go for real ones, it was quite a step as I hadn't a clue what I was meant to do with them and it was hit or miss setting up the new tank for plants. The advice I got from the guys was great and they ensured I had everything I needed but another handout would be good. I'm never sure about the flipping lead weights.....

I look forward to seeing the new shop.
My turn: :D

Dobbies Garden Centre, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury
Staff Knowledge: 5 (Recommended Betta, Guppies & Gold Nugget as good combination for 40L tank
Variety: 5
Quality of Fish: 9 (Very healthy fish, clean tanks. Not necessarily good tank sizes)

Ripleys Waterlife Superstore, Stafford Park, Telford
Staff Knowledge: I don't even want to answer this - I was advised 30-40 Tiger Barb in a 180L with 2 BN Plec
Variety: 10 (Marine, Tropical & Coldwater)
Quality of Fish: 6 (Fish look healthy enough - tanks with high water levels hence fish jump out and end up dead on floor!)

Pets at Home, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury
Staff Knowledge: 1 (they've learnt that they are selling fish) :D
Variety: 4
Quality of Fish: 2 (lots of dead ones on my last visit)

I've not actually visited Maidenhead Aquatics in Telford but I've heard they are quite good.


Thought i'd update this as its nearly 2 years old

Dobbies Garden Centre, Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury
Staff Knowledge: 8
Variety: 7 no marines and limited african cichlids but very good for coldwater, and general tropical species.
Quality of Fish: 9 tanks kept clean and fish look healthy

Ripleys Waterlife Superstore, Stafford Park, Telford
Staff Knowledge: 8
Variety: 8 some nice marine species and angels, discus, not many tropical oddball species available though.
Quality of Fish: 4 fair few dead fish

Pets at Home, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury
Staff Knowledge: 5
Variety: 5
Quality of Fish: 8 (improving greatly atm)

Percy Throwers Garden Centre Shrewsbury
Staff Knowledge: 8
Variety: 5 depends who's ordering, can be occasionally suprised
Quality of Fish: 7 fish are genrally in good health,

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