I'm So Excited!**pics Added**


New Member
Oct 24, 2007
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I asked at the lfs to see if they could get me some habrosus corys, the man didn't seem convinced but said he's try for me. This was a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, he's phoned me this afternoon and has got some! (no idea how many though!!!) I get to go and pick them up tomorrow! YAY! :hyper:
Hi Jellytot :)

C. habrosus are very nice little corys. I've only recently been able to get some myself, but am very happy with them. Please post more about them when you bring yours home.

BTW, you must have a very good lfs if they would go to the trouble to search out a particular species for you. :yahoo:
Thanks Inchworm and Madgap!

They're being acclimatised as I type! They are SO tiny! Only about 1 cm each. We went to lfs with the intention of getting 5, but they were 2 for £5.50 and they'd got 10 in so I ended up with all 10! :thumbs: They are so cute and lovely.

So small in fact that we're putting them in the 'hospital' tank for a bit to feed them up before putting them in the community tank, we have a female kribensis who is quite aggressive at the moment.

Will try and get some pics up later, my cameras aren't too good though...
Ok, I don't have the best camera (these were taken on my phone!) and most are hiding in the plants but here's a look at some of them!



Hi Jellytot :)

They are indeed sweet little corys. :wub:

Please give some thought about making the tank they are in now, their permanent home, or about setting up another tank just for them. They will not survive very long in a tank with cichlids. If the Kribs don't attack them (and you did say you had an aggressive female), the stress will weaken them and make them more apt to become sick.
Hi Jellytot :)

They are indeed sweet little corys. :wub:

Please give some thought about making the tank they are in now, their permanent home, or about setting up another tank just for them. They will not survive very long in a tank with cichlids. If the Kribs don't attack them (and you did say you had an aggressive female), the stress will weaken them and make them more apt to become sick.
This is what we're thinking, actually. These little ones are fast becoming my favourites and we may set up a slightly bigger tank than the one they are in (maybe about 18") and get them in there with some sparkling gouramis or something.

I think that aggressive female is going to go anyway, I don't like her in the community tank with my other fish, I worry about them all! Although she's not that aggressive in terms of cichlids as a whole, just in terms of my tank.

Either way, I'm pretty sure we'll set up my mini - corys in their own permanent home soon enough, so don't worry about them! They will be well looked after :wub:
Well, I have lost two of my little ones in the past week :(

The first was on Thursday morning when I woke up and realised the filter wasn't working, one had managed to get in the back somehow. I have just found the second one, under the filter, no external signs at all, just, obviously, very pale. Such a shame, they are so lovely. They are still in their little tank and the others are feeding well and seem fine, good and active. I just hope they all last longer than the others.

RIP little corys :rip:
Hi Jellytot

I'm so sorry to hear about your two little C. habrosus.

A short while ago, one of the fish sellers told me that they don't ship travel very well and losses are not uncommon. I hope you do better with the remaining ones. Be sure to keep the bottom clean for them.

Good luck with them. Please keep us informed of their progress. :)
Thank you, Inchworm. That's kind of you.

They are still in their own little tank (a bigger one is cycling as we speak for them) and I am doing small water changes every day. The others seem to be ok so far, fingers crossed they settle better than the others.

Congrats on your new one by the way! They are all lovely!
Those guys look great! It looks like they have the design and coloring of an otto!
Thanks Rex! They are black and white so I suppose in that way they are kind of similar!

They are in their new personally designed (work in progress!) home today, photos on their way...
After a couple of weeks of cycling their new tank, my habrosus are finally in their new home!


Close up of one


Little group together


All 8 in one pic!


Aren't they lovely? I love them so much!

I think I might try and get 10 more for their own little tank. It would be nice to get a couple of colourful fish to provide some contrast to them as well though, does anyone have any recommendations?
Thanks Sarah!

They are so lovely, LFS didn't think they'd be able to get them for me but I got lucky! I was just doing research on pygmy corys i think, and found them.

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