Persistant Whitespot


New Member
Oct 24, 2007
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We've been battling with whitespot for nearly two weeks now and it doesn't seem to be reducing!

We got back from my boyfriend's family's on Christmas eve and found whitespot in the tank on some of the red phantoms, just a couple of spots. We already had medication in (got some as a precaution a couple of months ago - tetra's contraspot) so we read the instuctions: water change, treat, wait 4 days, water change and treat again, wait 4 - 5 days again, and if it's still there then raise the temperature.

So we did the water change, treated and waited. Within the next three days the whitespot just got worse (we did remove the carbon!). Our red phantoms are the worst affected, we've lost a couple of them and an oto. Our BNs (who we're pretty sure brought it to the tank) have some and a couple of spots on the black neons.

So I started reading around a bit more (I've only had the tank since September so it's my first whitespot outbreak - boyfriend has kept fish when he was younger, worked in a lfs and knows some about fish pathology so he tends to know what's going on!) and I found out about the life cycle and the temperature changes. So I raised the temp to 28C and then did the water change/treatment the next day.

Since then we've been doing daily water changes and re-dosing the amount we would have taken out.

No improvement whatsoever.

Wednesday (the second fourth day in the treatment instructions) the majority of those affected had a salt bath (some were sneaky and wouldn't be caught). No improvement. We continued with the partial water change/redose the difference tactic.

Today we have just given a salt bath to all of those affected (tank has been dismantled). Temp is still up and the fish are now covered over in total darkness. We've also upped the medication as we've read that the temperature of the tank can break it down quicker and make it less effective. Tomorrow we're going to get more salt and treat the tank, I think.

I don't know if anyone can give us any help or advice? Maybe not. We've doing everything we can, fingers crossed we don't lose them all :(

Sorry it's so long!
I used to use CopperSafe medication - but someone on the forum gave me this course of treatment and it worked perfectly - I have since modified it some - basically to get the concentration I wanted based on some articles I found written by a vet on the topic. In addition to the salt instructions I also added a dose of MelaFix to prevent secondary infections at the places where the ich was falling off.

THIS IS ASSUMING that your water stats are good and temp. is starting around 78F and there's no salt already in the tank. Also make sure all of your types of fish can tolerate salt --- final salt in solution will be 2 Tablespoons per 10 US gallons or what you more commonly see in articles reduced to 1 Tablespoon per 5 US gallons. Basically all you are doing is stepping up temp. and salt slowly so you don't kill your fish or your beneficial bacteria (yes - sudden salt can kill your bacteria -- freshwater and saltwater beneficial bacteria are actually different). Remember if you feel you have to do WCs where they are not listed to be done (Days one to eight) you have to be sure that you replace salt at the same concentration at that given point. Once you start the final days doing the 20% changes obviously don't add the salt back!


30% water change (WC)

Day 1
Increase water temp to 80F (26.6C)
Add .5 Tablespoon of salt per 10 US gallons

Day 2
Increase temp to 82F
Add .5 Tablespoon of salt per 10 US gallons

Day 3
Increase temp to 84F
Add .5 Tablespoon of salt per 10 US gallons

Day 4
Increase temp to 86F
Add .5 Tablespoon of salt per 10 US gallons

Day 5, 6, 7 and 8
Do nothing.

[You could add a day or so of doing nothing here to make sure the ich fully cycles and is wiped out completely -- or even maybe add another quarter of a teaspoon of salt per 10 gals of water. It's all a matter of opinion!]

Day 9
20% WC
Temp down to 84F

Day 10
20% WC
Temp down to 82F

Day 11
20% WC
Temp down to 80F

Day 12
20% WC
Temp down to 78F

All Done!

Best of luck with your fishes!
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I really do appreciate them.

I saw that method on here when I was searching earlier actually Mav, sounds really good and we'll definately try that next time. Think we're a bit past that point now as he temp has already been up for a week! The only thing we're worried about is it hardening the water quality for a prolonged period as our water is pretty hard anyway. It does sound like a fab plan though so thank you.

We were also discussing about the UV steriliser before, thanks Aaron! It's good to have a suggestion/recommendation so thank you for that.

Since their salt bath earlier we have lost 10 fish :( all of the red phantoms are now dead (another 5), also 4 of my glowlights (my first fish!) and a BN. That brings the total losses to 14 when added to the other 2 red phantoms, BN and one of my otos. What a great festive period we've had! RIP little fishes! :rip:

On a more positive note those that are left are looking much better. Can only see one or two spots in the whole tank. Fingers crossed the worst is over and we don't have a massive relapse.
Thanks for the suggestions guys! I really do appreciate them.

I saw that method on here when I was searching earlier actually Mav, sounds really good and we'll definately try that next time. Think we're a bit past that point now as he temp has already been up for a week! The only thing we're worried about is it hardening the water quality for a prolonged period as our water is pretty hard anyway. It does sound like a fab plan though so thank you.

We were also discussing about the UV steriliser before, thanks Aaron! It's good to have a suggestion/recommendation so thank you for that.

Since their salt bath earlier we have lost 10 fish :( all of the red phantoms are now dead (another 5), also 4 of my glowlights (my first fish!) and a BN. That brings the total losses to 14 when added to the other 2 red phantoms, BN and one of my otos. What a great festive period we've had! RIP little fishes! :rip:

On a more positive note those that are left are looking much better. Can only see one or two spots in the whole tank. Fingers crossed the worst is over and we don't have a massive relapse.

Do you know how it got in, poor water quality, new fishes...
sorry about fishes
Do you know how it got in, poor water quality, new fishes...
sorry about fishes
Water quality is all good, even testing during the disease!

We got 6 baby BNs at one of our lfs for £4.50 which I posted about in the pleco section because it was such a bargain.

Turns out it was them that bought it in having gone back and seen the others in the shop had developed it. Maybe investing in a quarantine tank is a good idea!
Oh, and I also meant to say, thanks for the bump sid.sarah! Really lovely of you to make sure I got some attention!!!
Right, so after we lost a lot of fish after the salt baths on Friday, the remaining fish have seemed much much better, could only see one or two spots so I was feeling a lot happier.

So we dosed the tank on Friday with the medication (which we're only supposed to use once every 4 days) we then did a water change and a re-dose on Sunday.

Today I have looked at the fish and there are NEW spots on one of the ansistrus and a black neon. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?! Is it that the medication doesn't work? Has anyone had any experience with Contraspot? The temperature is still high and I really wanted to lower it asap for my cories especially.

We've been working so hard trying to beat this and it just doesn't want to seem to go.
Right, so after we lost a lot of fish after the salt baths on Friday, the remaining fish have seemed much much better, could only see one or two spots so I was feeling a lot happier.

So we dosed the tank on Friday with the medication (which we're only supposed to use once every 4 days) we then did a water change and a re-dose on Sunday.

Today I have looked at the fish and there are NEW spots on one of the ansistrus and a black neon. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?! Is it that the medication doesn't work? Has anyone had any experience with Contraspot? The temperature is still high and I really wanted to lower it asap for my cories especially.

We've been working so hard trying to beat this and it just doesn't want to seem to go.

I don't think this medication is strong enough, is it copper based? You need a copper based medication ASAP. I recommend the heat on at least 30 degrees. This shouldn't be too harsh on the cories, as long as it isn't for a long time. Water changes need to be done more often too. I don't see a problem with putting back in what you have taken out, as far as medication goes. Add salt, if you don't have plants, then go ahead and add 2-3 table spoons per 10 gallons. High heat help make the Ich die faster, by speeding up their life cycle. Personally, I would do daily water changes at this point.

Just realized you have a few Plecos. That might not be so nice for them. I don't think 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons shouldn't be a problem though??
I don't think this medication is strong enough, is it copper based? You need a copper based medication ASAP. I recommend the heat on at least 30 degrees. This shouldn't be too harsh on the cories, as long as it isn't for a long time. Water changes need to be done more often too. I don't see a problem with putting back in what you have taken out, as far as medication goes. Add salt, if you don't have plants, then go ahead and add 2-3 table spoons per 10 gallons. High heat help make the Ich die faster, by speeding up their life cycle. Personally, I would do daily water changes at this point.

Just realized you have a few Plecos. That might not be so nice for them. I don't think 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons shouldn't be a problem though??
Thank you so much for your reply.

The medication isn't copper based it's: 'Contra spot by Tetra (UK) Formeldehyde, Malachite green & Carbinolhydrochloride' (taken from med a to z at the top of the page).

Have turned up the heat and will go to try to find copper-based med tomorrow. We've only stopped the every day water changes since Friday so will start that again now tonight. I just can't believe how long this is lasting for, I've lost so many fish!

Male platy dead tonight, not sure why though, half eaten when I got home.
Right, just as an update, tank is totally dismantled (we did that on Friday) and I have removed plants etc again this evening and hoovered every inch of gravel. We haven't bothered re-medicating, will wait for copper medication tomorrow. Fingers crossed that will do the trick.

Firstly, sorry you lost some fishes! :rip:

With regard to your medication, may i recommend Waterlife Protozin. I have used it many times and it has never let me down. Also it is copper-based as recommended above.

Remember to remove carbon from your filter. :good:

Good luck.


Firstly, sorry you lost some fishes! :rip:

With regard to your medication, may i recommend Waterlife Protozin. I have used it many times and it has never let me down. Also it is copper-based as recommended above.

Remember to remove carbon from your filter. :good:

Good luck.

Thanks for the recommendation BTT! Will definately look for that one.

and carbon is already out :good:
Protozin should do the job, but follow the instructions to the letter. No water changes while dosing, either. On the only occasion I've had to use it, it's done the job with just one course. As backtotropical says, remove any carbon first, but don't worry about the other media - Protozin doesn't harm filter bacteria.

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