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  1. P

    Missing Eyes On My Fish !

    Out of the fish listed, the betta is the likely culprit. Try moving him to his own tank.
  2. P

    Blue/purple Emperor Tetra

    I've never seen my kerris nip either. They're fine with other fish/snails. They seem hardy to me. I didn't lose any when I introduced them. The only deaths have been age related. The midnight ones could be the black version of palmeri. If you Google for 'black emperor tetra', you should find a...
  3. P

    Blue/purple Emperor Tetra

    Male kerri tetra have a blue adipose fin and shine blue. Females have an orange/brown adipose fin and look more orangey in general.
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    Danio's Better Alone?

    My current batch of danios were alone for some time when I first got them. I added more fish later. They're just as active with other fish there. They still argue over dominance and do their little courtship swimming thing. Their behaviour doesn't seem different to me. Mostly they ignore the...
  5. P

    Fish Cycling (any Downsides?)

    I'm surprised that noone has mentioned the other downsides of keeping dead fish in a tank (the downsides to the fish being obvious). It will make your whole house stink once they start rotting. There's a good chance of fungus growing over everything in the aquarium. Too much ammonia stalls the...
  6. P

    Any Way To Speed Up Cycling?

    For the UK, you could try bactinettes. It will process your ammonia (if the bacteria is still alive... it needs to be kept in the fridge). People seem to vary in whether it does anything for nitrite or not, but at least it will help start things off.
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    Whitespot And Red Gills,

    Is the hospital tank cycled and has she been doing water changes? It might be something as simple as high ammonia levels.
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    Bloated Zebra Danio

    If your fish was red around the anus, it could be they had worms. You might want to check the other fish for signs. They'd include bloating, being unusually thin, white stringy poo, spitting out food before eating it, bends in the spine and red around the anus. You may also see red worms...
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    I don't know if all Juwel tanks are like this, but mine had really big holes at the back, so you wouldn't need to alter it to add something like that. I had to do the reverse and block my holes up.
  10. P

    Help! Weird Sickness For Guupies Has Attack My House!

    I'm not convinced this is water quality. That's not to say water quality isn't important, but all the fish suddenly having bits of tail go missing sounds more like an attack to me. That also goes with the females surviving longer, as they're faster and more able to stay away from aggressive...
  11. P

    Fish Deaths (help Please)

    I think it would be overly hasty to assume chlorine is the only problem as you haven't checked the water quality. You won't really know if your tank is overstocked (from the bioload point of view) unless you test the water. Liquid test kits are usually recommended for being more accurate. You...
  12. P

    How To Use Bactinettes

    You might want to find a way to stop them getting out the filter, but they're not actually harmful. They'll dissolve eventually or they'll be sucked up when you clean the gravel. Some of my fish tried to nibble on them and came to no harm. They realised they weren't food pretty quickly.
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    Poll: Dead Fish

    Other. I compost my fish. Not in a normal compost bin, before anyone gets that idea. We have a special food digester in the garden. It's designed for all food waste and is sealed above ground to stop vermin and flies (and bad smells). Our normal rubbish is only collected once every two weeks, so...
  14. P

    Zebra Danios For Fish In Cycling

    Five sounds a bit high if it's a small tank, which your stocking plans imply it is. A couple of fish would be better, as it ensures you can keep the ammonia and nitrite levels low at all times. Danios don't seem to notice low levels, but a sudden spike in either will cause damage. You'll want to...
  15. P

    In An Odd Situation With 2 Female Bettas

    Have you tried plant foods, like cooked peas and algae wafers? If not it'd be worth a try.
  16. P

    Not New But So Unsure Want It Perfect This Time.

    I've never heard of platies being a problem with neons. However, I have heard of betta killing platies. Betta vary alot. Some can't be kept with any brightly coloured fish. It doesn't seem like a good idea if you want relaxed tanks as you'd need to watch them carefully and could end up with dead...
  17. P

    Copper In My Water?

    I live down south too and I know we have some copper pipes in the house. Metal pipes don't leave that much in the water. If they dissolved that quickly they'd be pretty useless as pipes. As an example I keep land snails and I know other people that do in the south. The snails are fine, which...
  18. P

    My Zebra Danio Is Taking On Colour Characteristics Of My Golden Danio&

    By gold danio, do you mean the golden colour version of zebra danios? That would explain the situation easily. Gold zebra danios are a bit stripey and normal zebra danios are a bit gold. The fish are going to get more colourful/vividly patterned as they show off to these new strangers, so you'd...
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    If they did nothing at all it sounds like they were dead. That's the biggest trouble with them. It's easy to kill the bacteria if they're not handled properly and you never know for sure how they've been treated.
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    I've used them on two tanks that had ammonia readings and nothing else. One tank (25l) was a fish in cycling tank. The other was fishless cycling (60l). Both tanks had UGFs and the bactinettes were added at the same time from the same pot. The fish in tank cycled within a day. I tested after 24...
  21. P

    Tap Bad Is It?

    That level of ammonia is pretty extreme. I accidently dosed a tank at that level. Putting my hand in it made my skin itch and my eyes watered from the evaporation. You should be able to smell the ammonia in the air when you run your water. Drinking it and washing in it would be nasty. Even...
  22. P

    Spiralling Platy

    The whiteness and swimbladder issues sounds like it might be bacterial. You could try a bacteria med and salt baths may help. The emergencies forum would be able to give better advice I'm sure, especially if you could get a picture.
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    Angel With Worms

    You'd be better off treating the entire tank. If you've seen the worms, that means that every tank you've had the angel in is infected. Seeing the worms means it was a female who has now released the new generation of worms. Most likely all the fish are infected by now. You've just not seen the...
  24. P

    Pleco Has Ick...need Help

    I'd treat the fish right away, but make sure to do water changes of 25% every week in future. Unless you did water changes you're not mentioning, it was leaving the tank without a water change for three weeks that made the nitrates rise. You have to change the water out to get rid of them, as...
  25. P

    Egg Spawn But All The Fish Are Livebearers

    You'd be surprised how many eggs can come out of one tiny snail. It's not unusual for snail eggs to look like they couldn't have fitted in the parent. Snails often have a very quick recovery time between one batch of eggs and the next. They're egg-laying machines once they're mature. Some snail...
  26. P

    My Fish Has Two Tails!

    It might not be genetic. Double things like that can sometimes be due to embryos fusing while they develop (the same sort of process as siamese twins). Two headed snakes are a classic example. Breeding them always produces one headed snakes, as it's a physical condition not a genetic one.
  27. P

    Not New Just The Dreaded

    Household ammonia is a basic, no frills, cleaning product. You will find it in the cleaning section usually. If you've not been looking in the cleaning products that's why you've not found it. It'll either say the ingredients are water and ammonia, or it'll say it's ammonia solution (which...
  28. P

    Too Many No-no's - Sick Fish

    There are various things it could be, including internal parasites. However, bacterial infections are pretty common when water quality is poor. A swim bladder infection seems the most likely thing. You could try the interpret swim bladder treatment (it won't harm the filter bacteria).
  29. P

    My Pearl Danio Is Acting Drunk!

    Did you try a swimbladder treatment? That would help if it's a bacterial infection of the swimbladder, though it sounds like too much damage has been done already. In the UK Interpret do a treatment for swimbladders, but I'm sure other places have something similar. It's worth answering...
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    Celestial Pearl Danio

    I looked into this recently as I was interested in them. The most recent stuff I found said export of them from their native country was banned. They also found more ponds with them in, including some deep in the forests. This was the article...
  31. P

    Neurotic Behavior In A Platy And Think She Is Prego

    I don't know about the platy behaviour, but glofish are genetically modified zebra danios. They need the same care as normal zebra danios, which includes being kept in groups of at least 5 or 6. They are prone to fin nipping and aggression when kept in small groups or alone. Getting some more...
  32. P

    I Have A Worm?

    The chances of this worm being harmful are pretty slim. A parasitic worm would be in the host, not crawling around outside. It sounds more like the sort of worm that will be rooting around in the substrate for food... I can't imagine a predator worm would survive long enough in a fishtank to get...
  33. P

    Help Needed With Tiger Barb!

    Tiger barbs do headstand normally. It's a male thing. Your real worry is the not eating and the deaths, which looks to be down to poor water quality. Water changes to keep the levels down is about all you can do.
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    Siamese Fighter Building Nest

    Where did the other community tank fish go when you added the females? If they're still in there that's another problem.
  35. P

    Hastings Sea Life Centre?

    Hastings Underwater World (it's no longer called the SeaLife Centre) isn't bad. It mostly has native fish and invertebrates. The main features are an underwater tunnel (dogfish, rays, things like that) and a shallow pool for rays. There are questions on the wall with buttons you press for the...