Not New Just The Dreaded


Fish Addict
Nov 21, 2005
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Well I have done as you said do a fishless cycle using fish food and I am still no getting any ammonia reading.

I did not want to add ammonia as I did not know what strength to use

None of you would tell me.

I was told and it is written that using fish food was the same. Well my readings have changed but not on ammonia but the nitrite has gone from the purple to safe blue.

This has been for a week now does this mean my fishless cycle is done.

The next ? from the idiot is the tank has a glass lid although it has small triangle cut out at the corners does this mean I need to have the tank continously with the air pump running ?

There is also a mdf thick cover over the top.
Hey tetraqueen - I have tried adding fish food to cycle, although ive no proof it works. I would have thought you need to add ALOT of food to get the ammonia up, plus it takes a while to break down. It never worked for me :(

Someone on here posted a link to a UK stocker of ammonia, and it was something like 1ml to every litre or something like that.

I will see if I can find it cant promise though.

not sure what you mean about the lid....or air stone...with no fish in it im not sure what thats for....


Enzo Household Ammonia"
£1 for 500ml bottle
9.5% ammonia
90.5% distilled water

Contact details are:
Lausco Services Ltd.
TEL: 01446 775577

about the Ammonia:
PH = 13.0 - 14.0
AQUATIC TOXICITY = LC50 96h < 1mg/l
VAPOUR PRESSURE = 760 MM Hg at 20 degress C.
10% Ammonia Solution
Irritant, Xi (R36-37-38)

I also had a thought that the air was probably for the bacteria, so best to leave that running while cycling - hope that helps.
Yeah, also you will get ammonia in Homebase.

If you are unsure how much to use, PM me and i will work it out for you. :good:

I cycled my tank with frozen squid, but never tried flakes.

Ammonia is the best way, and i would only recommend fish food if you cant get ammonia.

The air stone etc is when the fish are added.

Our local homebase or B&Q or our chemist would not sell ammonia

The lfs said you just need a hardy fish.

I gotta say the readings are not hard and the fish food breaks down very quickly.

I suspect somebody will say add the full pot but half has gone in and there is no difference
however there is no fish producing the ammonia.
I've fishless 3 tanks in the last 2 months or so. I used ammonia from homebase. It is a diluted solution so you have to take that into account when adding it to a tank.

I had read that you need for instance about 12 drops of neat (or near neat) ammonia for a 70 ltr tank to get it to 4-5ppm. I ended up putting 60 drops in and still only reaching only 2ppm.


I have read several methods of fishless cycling with ammonia and each recommends a target ammonia reading to aim for. I have found that the best aim for point for me is 2ppm of ammonia. This means that the tank will take slightly less time to cycle BUT you can not add as many fish to begin with. I am fine with this but if you want to fully stock your tank from the outset then maybe aim for around 4-5ppm. Don't overdose with ammonia too quickly as this can be detrimental to the bacteria, build it up over time.

Now when I'm cycling I just guess to be honest. I'll add a quantity, mix it in, then take an ammonia reading. once it gets to the reading I'm after, I make a note of how much I have added and then just repeat that dose every time it gets to zero.

Write a diary of what ammonia you add and when you added it. It is easy then to see the pattern. Just be patient with the nitrites, they take ages to dissappear but once they have, you are there.

Once you know how the process works it's actually pretty easy but can be time consuming. Adding at least some mature filter medium substantially quickens the process.

Good luck!
Boots stocks it too. HouseHold Ammonia. About £1.20.

I will try Boots again b ut I did say it was for the aquarium and what you have looks just like household cleaner. Most have other toxic things added so I will try.

I seem to have worm like things in there from where????

They swim in what looks like a figure of 8 they are horrid wriggly things yuk.

I have my idea they may
be mosquito lava
I will try Boots again b ut I did say it was for the aquarium and what you have looks just like household cleaner. Most have other toxic things added so I will try.

Household ammonia is a basic, no frills, cleaning product. You will find it in the cleaning section usually. If you've not been looking in the cleaning products that's why you've not found it.

It'll either say the ingredients are water and ammonia, or it'll say it's ammonia solution (which means the same thing). The ammonia percentage will most likely be listed at about 9.5%. If the bottle list more than two ingredients it's the wrong stuff, but Boots own brand household ammonia definately doesn't have anything other than water and ammonia.

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