Missing Eyes On My Fish !


Fish Fanatic
Feb 27, 2009
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Hi, I have noticed today that 2 of my zebra danios each have one eye missing !!!! This must have happened in the last day or so cos I look at the fish closely every day. They are still very active, feeding fine and showing no signs of illness. Apart from other tetras in the tank there is a betta, but I doubt very much that he would do that or the black widows. Is there an illness of any kind that makes eyes fall out ?? :crazy:
Out of the fish listed, the betta is the likely culprit. Try moving him to his own tank.
Is it true that a betta is better off in its own tank? I think it seems a bit cruel as they look so lonely but if thats how they prefer it.........
some bettas like to live on there own and will attack anythink else in there where others will live fine with allsorts of fish
i had 1 that hated beeing in a community tank it used to always flare but i put it in a tank on its own and it looked a lot happier and barely ever flared
My betta seems fine, he seems to much of a loner to do anything but often flares at the black widow. Its only the danios that have eyes missing and i find it very strange as they are quite fast and i think to fast for the betta to nip at. I am awaiting a new tank so looks like there will be a few being moved around! Thanks for your comments
it dont have to be all on its own if the tanks big enought you could have it in with corys or shrimps or some snails
and my betta manged to catch and kill to guppies in the first night i had it and there pretty fast
Oh right, looks as if hes not as quiet as i thought then ! Its a 30L tank that I have been using for fry recently but they will be moving on soon. How many shrimps/corys would be safe? Sorry im a pain but Im new to all this
i dont know about shrimps but a gorup of 6 pygmy corys would be ok i think it would be a bit small for pepered and bornze but im not to sure
Since 1 only has a missing eye perhaps he got to curious and tried to play with the betta for they are quite playful.

I read a lady put her betta in a 30 gallon tank and he didn't do well. I had a male betta in a 20 gallon with guppys and had no problems. I left the tank with friends when I left. They told me he died and the betta they replaced him with ate all of the fish.
Oh dear, not good at all :crazy: . Think I got alot of work on my hands now, got an overstocked 60L, getting a new 90L and got the 25L (?). Its where to put what and who to put it with !!! Im sure I will work it out and maybe have better luck this time round. Thanks for advice

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