Spiralling Platy


New Member
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Argyll, Scotland
OK. I have had platys for about a year, this particular platy was one of my first babies.
Didn't know you could get dwarf/midget platys but this one never grew much bigger than 1cm long, male.

We just had to take him out of the tank as he had turned white, bloated and was lying at the bottom gasping. He then started to swim upwards erratically in a kinda spiralling motion, like a tight corkscrew.

Any ideas?
Had this trouble with a tetra. Try feeding it a pee that has been cooked. You will have to take the outside layer off and crush the inside for it to be edible. You may try and do this for a days and if you can raise the temperature a little bit.

If this doesn't help there's no point in carrying on. It will then most probably have an internal parasite. There is treatment available at your lfs, i suppose, you can try this but it very rarely works. (In my own experience.)

Good luck.
The whiteness and swimbladder issues sounds like it might be bacterial. You could try a bacteria med and salt baths may help. The emergencies forum would be able to give better advice I'm sure, especially if you could get a picture.

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