Pleco Has Ick...need Help


New Member
Oct 23, 2007
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New York
I have a 10 gallon tank with a pleco, 2 red eye tetra, 2 serpae tetra(1 of them i just got), 1 painted tetra(just got it). I noticed the pleco has white spots so i researched and came up with ick and a couple of cures.

First off, I did a vacuum and about 50% of water went with it using the python about 2 weeks ago before i got the new fish. I tested the water about a week later after adding the 2 new fish and realized the nitrate was way too high. Hoping it was from the new water i let it filter for another week just adding stress coat. So lastnight i realized the pleco has white spots on him. I never seen that before so i went out today to pick up some stuff to treat ick.

Here are my reading before i added anything.
Nitrite- 0ppm
Ph- 6.4
ammonia- 0ppm
Nitrate- 80-160

Guy at pet store said do a 25% water change so i did that today with vacuum and added 6 drops of tap water conditioner.
I also turned heater to 80 degrees. Added one teaspoon of aquarium salt. I used a pinch of PH up to try to get it to around 7.0 I also bought the Nitro-Zorb. I replaced my media in my power filter with the nitro-zorb and its currently filtering.
All this had to be done before using meds for ick i was told. How long should i wait to retest water?? I do not want my pleco to die. I had him for 2 years. The other fish i had about a year and 2 of them are new. I want to treat this ick right away but i know it may do harm if water conditions are poor.

PLease help!!
-Just got it
-notice missing eye and fins nipped
- notice white spots
Best ti treat another week once spots have gone.
Good luck.
Best ti treat another week once spots have gone.
Good luck.

But i didn't treat with meds yet cause the water quality. So how long should i wait now before using quick cure?

I'd treat the fish right away, but make sure to do water changes of 25% every week in future. Unless you did water changes you're not mentioning, it was leaving the tank without a water change for three weeks that made the nitrates rise. You have to change the water out to get rid of them, as the bacteria can't break them down.
Best ti treat another week once spots have gone.
Good luck.

But i didn't treat with meds yet cause the water quality. So how long should i wait now before using quick cure?

I'd treat the fish right away, but make sure to do water changes of 25% every week in future. Unless you did water changes you're not mentioning, it was leaving the tank without a water change for three weeks that made the nitrates rise. You have to change the water out to get rid of them, as the bacteria can't break them down.

Should i use coppersafe or quick cure??
When my fish had whitespot i used tetra contraspot treatment and turned my tank up 2 degrees. It seemed to do the trick after a couple of weeks the spots had gone and i did a 25% water change. Remove the carbon from your filter if it has any this helps the treatment work better.
I would not recommend having 2 serpae tetras with those other fish either. Take them back or if you really like them get some more as soon as your ich has gone. 2 on their own usually spells trouble for the other fishys.
Nitrite- 80-160
why is it that high? :blink:
do you not clean it out? :crazy:

do you mean nitrate, not nitrite?

Yes, edited! I am not sure why its so high. I thought it was from my half water change.
Since my first post 3 fish died.
I have the pleco, and 2 red eyes left.

I had to move them into a hospital tank. A 5 1/2 gallon is all i had. I put a power filter in there, heater and some ick med. Hopefully they will do better in there. Any other suggestions??
How long were those fish put in your tank after you finished cycling your tank?

Those fish were added right away cause i didn't know much. But i had them for a while now and it wasn't unitl i noticed the spots that they started to die.

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