Celestial Pearl Danio

well, there are quite a few people breeding them in captivity - supposedly it's not hard - so barringhabitat destruction, hopefully their numbers will be safe in the wild.

i thought that they weren't as endangered as we thought, we were only looking at one part of their habitat...? Not sure on that, just recall reading somehting like it. Anyways, I love mine, though "celestial pearl danio" is a stupid name and most people don't don't what you're talking about unless you say "galaxy rasbora" :lol:
I looked into this recently as I was interested in them. The most recent stuff I found said export of them from their native country was banned. They also found more ponds with them in, including some deep in the forests.

This was the article:

It'd be safe to say that young fish are going to be captive bred, as long as you get them from a reputable source. They're also not as close to extinction as people thought.

As far as the name goes, I have to wonder why they didn't just call them 'Galaxy Danio' after realising the rasbora mistake. Or is there a galaxy danio already? Who knows, but celestial pearl danio is a bit of a mouthful.

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