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  1. C

    Strange Betta Dream!

    wow that dream is truly amazing.
  2. C

    Baby Bettas

    Damn i was hoping for some pics. My babies are 2 weeks old now. and are still very little. I read everywhere that it is 2-3 months old they get full colour.
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    ill take the homeless veil tails lol. I dont no why but i love veiltails.
  4. C

    New Betta

    Kool as fighter, (i love the drink dr pepper but i dunno about naming a fish dr pepper.) His tank looks like my blender lol.
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    Lookie What I Got At Petsmart

    what makes a delta tail a delta tail ??? Looks stunning by the way.
  6. C

    My Perfect Betta

    marvelous :drool:
  7. C

    Need To Rant About Wal*mart... Omg!

    that is just stupid the stuff in that post. They only can live in small areas wtf!!! and they keep there fighters in cups!. Something must be done to stop this. good luck in your quest.
  8. C

    New Tank

    okkk. lol :good: this is the first time using smileys. hope it works.
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    New Tank

    What do you mean a cover that touches the top ?
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    New Tank

    Looking good. nice spacious area for them. but like said before they would be able to clear that divider easy. I cleaned one of my tanks with a fighter in it and while i was scrubbing the sides with a sponge it jumped out!!!
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    That fighter is bitchin yo. lol its got really mad colours in it.
  12. C

    I Completely Forgot To Post About Him...

    thats some pretty crappy fins, least hes getting better. Everyone who posted a comment here all pretty much said the same thing lol.
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    White Viel Tail

    Thats awesome, i love white bettas, my mum hates them and says there ugly... but she is so so wrong. I was gonna get a white veil tail just like that one, but when i went back the next day it was gone.
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    Sick I Think

    Ok ill get a picture tomorow morning, because i dont wanna disturb him while he sleeps.
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    Sick I Think

    He is in a fairly small fish tank and the water temperature is 27 degrees. i lowered the water level so he doesnt need to move as much to get air.
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    Sick I Think

    like a little bit torn.
  17. C

    Sick I Think

    My betta had faded in colour and its fins are retarded atm, and he sinks to the bottom. what is wrong with him and what can i do to help.
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    Your Favorite Betta Color?

    I love the colour of the betta in berts signature. Is there a cool name for that colour, like mustard gas is that dark colour.
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    Male Betta Emergency

    My fish started to do this not long ago. hope our bettas get better soon. Is when fighting fish go on the bottom a sign of boredom or sulking ?
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    Fry And Eggs

    i just got some liquifry no1 today of my friend who tried breeding bettas but got over it so gave it to me for free.
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    Baby Bettas

    Ur base amp, music and tv most likly does bother them. Those babies are wiked and so are there parents blue crown tails are mad as.
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    Betta And Neon Tetra's

    I've had my betta in with 5 neons, for about a month now, and they don't even notice each other. guess i got lucky in how aggresive my fish are lol.
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    Advice For First Time Breeder

    In the top link, it says that after 3 months the fry are still tiny. Is that true ? , because i heard that fighting fish fry grow quickly.
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    Fry And Eggs

    When the eggs hatch how big will the fry be, will i be cleary able to see them ???
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    A Basic Betta Setting

    That green looks awesome. lol i no its not actually green, cool if it was though. that tank doesn't look to small. its huge compared to some retard shop owners.
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    Fry And Eggs

    Hey ya'll, this is my first thread i have started. my fighting fish have just laid eggs, and i have taken out the female. can any of youse tell me when i should take the male out and when aproximatly the eggs hatch ? i no all about what to feed fry so don't bother writting that.
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    Finally An Updated Picture Of Isabel

    Omg that fish is wiked as.
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    What Would I Need To Be Able To Breed?

    i have read that you need to remove the female after spawning other wise the male will become agressive and kill her.