Male Betta Emergency


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
staffordshire - England
i bought a male fighter from pets at home ( bad i know but i felt sorry for the little fella) he seemed really low but i thought id take him home, he seemed to perk up a bit at home but then he went down bank.

i did a 50% water change to his tank sunday morning with no response so i have now put him floating in a bucket on the side of my comunity tank.

he just sits on the bottom and he doesnt really swim he sort of twitches when he wants to move to the top what is this please help asap i dont know what to do
put him in something with a really low water level and high temp about 28, keep it really clean. Hard to really say whats wrong, but for now that will help
i first put him in a container tied to the top of my community tank and left him there till last night i did a 70% water change to his tank and put him back in his own tank last night turned the heat up to 28-29 and lowered the water letvel by half. this moring he seems to be doing a bit better and has eaten one pellet.

the water keeps going cloudy very quickly i have done another 50% water change this morning to try and sort it out.

this is the first time i havent used a filter before so where am i going wrong.
Im glad he seems to be doing a little better. I hope he fully recovers for you.
Filters are not at all necessary for betta tanks, just as long as you do frequent 100% water changes.

Are his colors pale, or are his fins clamped?
Filters are not at all necessary for betta tanks, just as long as you do frequent 100% water changes.

Are his colors pale, or are his fins clamped?

i bought him on saturday afternoon and in that time ive done 50% waterchange saturday, a 70% water change sunday, 70% water change monday, and this morning did a 50% water change , i think this may be excessesive but the water goes cloudy within an hour could it be the gravel its been washed and left.

he has started to move a bit more now but to me the water just doesnt seem right
I'd bare bottom the tank until things get sorted, it may be the gravel thats clouding your water (are you also using dechlorinator?), but also this way you'll be able to see if the little fellow goes to the bathroom or not. Does he seem pale? Is he clamped, or flicking himself on things?
I'd bare bottom the tank until things get sorted, it may be the gravel thats clouding your water (are you also using dechlorinator?), but also this way you'll be able to see if the little fellow goes to the bathroom or not. Does he seem pale? Is he clamped, or flicking himself on things?

He was quite flicky but not flicking on things but that seems to have gone now
My fish started to do this not long ago. hope our bettas get better soon. Is when fighting fish go on the bottom a sign of boredom or sulking ?
My fish started to do this not long ago. hope our bettas get better soon. Is when fighting fish go on the bottom a sign of boredom or sulking ?

cd_customs that betta in your avatar is fantastic where did you get him ?

im not sure whether they sulk or are bored when their on the bottom.

UPDATE on dragon - well i completely took all plants all the bamboo and gravel out of his tank cleaned it again and took some gravel out of my community tank and put it in his frsh water and after 3 days he is doing fantastic , the water is crystal clear still he is swimming about flaring and he has made the mother of all bubble nests :good: thanks for all the help i will get some more pics of him now and show him off -

all the time i have put in to get him back to health has paid off ! my girl friend almost made me sleep in his tank well at least the bedroom he is in (she hasnt quite got the betta bug that i have and i think she felt i was giving dragon more attention)

Thanks again all

Dan :good:

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